Canadian Patent Classifications

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Class 47 Plant husbandry
47/1(1) Hydroponic Culture
47/2(1) Hydroponic Culture (2) Seed Germinators
47/3(3) Composting (Mushroom Culture 195/58,145)
47/4(4) Propagation
47/5(5) Ambient Atmosphere Conditioning
47/6(6) Greenhouses And Hotbeds
47/7(7) Plant Treatments
47/8(7) Plant Treatments (8) Mulching
47/9(7) Plant Treatments (9) Weed Destroying
47/10(7) Plant Treatments (10) Root Feeding (e.g., Fertilizing or Watering)
47/11(7) Plant Treatments (10) Root Feeding (e.g., Fertilizing or Watering) (11) Plant Receptacles
47/12(7) Plant Treatments (12) Injection
47/13(7) Plant Treatments (13) Tree Surgery
47/14(14) Protecting And/Or Supporting
47/15(14) Protecting And/Or Supporting (15) Trunk or Stem Guards
47/16(14) Protecting And/Or Supporting (16) Plant Covers
47/17(14) Protecting And/Or Supporting (16) Plant Covers (17) With Transparent Walls
47/18(18) Plant Receptacles
47/19(18) Plant Receptacles (19) Seed Tapes and/or Packages
47/20(18) Plant Receptacles (20) Transplanting
47/21(21) Miscellaneous

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