OCR Trademark Searches

Trademark registration number: 99,280
Not online at uspto.gov but on USM219 or right here! 99,280's Registration Certificate
Registration date: 1914-08-25 online gazette
Class 3 Baggage, animal equipments, portfolios and pocket books
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BEST AVAILABLE COPY D STATES lrnfrnnfr OFFICE. casein.. a comnnnr, 01- msssspauszns. TRADE-KAI! FOB 99,2841 l . _ Registered Aug. 25, 1914. Application Med April 18, 1914. Berlal Ho. 77504. 4 STATEMENT. ' To gal 'whom it may concern: _ it known that we, C/uzGrLL, CLnvm..n~m & `COMl’ANY, a firm domiciled and 'doing business in llfestfield, in the count of _Hampderr and Commonwealth of llffiissa- chusetts, and comgosed of the following members, YVILBUR . CARGlLL and Hnnver J.-Cmzvnuiém, citizens of the United States of America, have adopted and--used the trade-mark shown in .the accompanying drawing, for whips, in Class No. 3, Baggage, llxorie 1 equipments, portto1ios,'_ and pocket- s. l The trade mark has been continuously used in our business since October 18, 1910. The trade mark is applied orallixed to the goods, or packages containing the same by placing thereon a. printed label upon which the trade mark is shown. CIRGILL. CLEYELAND In 00Ml’&NI; By HARVEY J. ULEVELAND. ` " A Member ofthe Firm. ,I3EOI»..AELA.'J2'IQ§'. Commonwealth of Ma$achusette, county of Hampden, ss. ' - Hmver J. Cwwfemuu, being duly sworn, deposes ancltsnys that ,lie is it member of_ the firm `the applicant named in the foregoing statement; that he believes' the forcgoin|i~ statement to be true; that he believes saic firm is the owner of the trade mark sought to be registered; that no _other person, lirm, corporation or association to the best of his knowled and belief husjnhe right to um said tradifniark in the United States either in the identical form or in any such neur re- semblance thereto-as might be calculated to deceire; that said trade mark is used b said firm _in commerce among the several gtates of the United States; tiat the desdription and dr1u\'ing‘presented trulyrepresent the trade mark sourght to bc registered: and that tho facs-imi es show the trade mark as actually used upon the goods. - HARVEY J. CIQEVELAND; Sulnscx-ibed und sworn to before me n no- tary public this 1-lth clay of April 1914. ' ltr.. e.'] 1<`L()RENCE W. BURKE, _ Notary Public. i1_ Genie: ot this trade-mark may he obtained roi-.gn ce Wuhtn ts nah. by Lddrening the “Commisdener gm; n. o."

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