The T in USPTO (Unites States Patent and Trademark Office), you should have just learned, stands for Trademark. Their TSDR (Trademark Status & Document Retrieval) api deals with trademarks. If you’ve used it recently, you probably noticed that they now require an api key, which you can get by registering with them. Their Swagger-UI page is at but it doesn’t allow you to enter your now-required api key and it has a number of other omissions (listed in my github repo). Further, their api does not accept browser requests coming from domains other than their own (they’re blocked by CORS policy), which is why the Swagger-UI page I created does not work (though the generated curl commands work and my modified swagger object can be imported into postman from I emailed them to point out these problems but they have not updated their Swagger-UI page or allow CORS requests.
I’ve been down this road before, I cannot get the patentsview people to adopt the Swagger-UI page I created for their api. Using an api’s Swagger-UI page can be a great way to learn the ins and outs of an api, but it takes a little cooperation from the api provider! By contrast, the Swagger-UI page for the USPTO’s PEDS (Patent Examination Data System) api works as it should, without my involvement.