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Trademark registration number: 303,114
Not online at uspto.gov but on USM247 or right here! 303,114's Registration Certificate
Registration date: 1933-05-09
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Refintered May 9, 1933 UNITED STATES ' Trade-Mark 303,114 _,L, _ _. ";_ N. 1.1: ‘»,, ', ‘ iff* *&¥J;, .»§ A ig 'UF fi wi’ Q; -figgi §# 6 LN _ } ) érqfw ~..» ,mr . \ Y “ » 1 . Tn *WE im ,Ns Ex? 9 » _ . ‘ . ..Uu:..::-‘.; :“i\'.z?'P$§"`v;~f-=»‘ffn Ja - ' ""'1 "cf ;;;:1r§_=;zn'::'.i2an., ,-a ,un '» _;a _ ; .3 < ,_ _ _ ` lf .,‘.§f»E1e » ‘ ». g, f _.=?;;, _ ai ad " ,i@1»s*'=¥w--< ‘f=‘¢» §,¢ Ha A ~ ...nm - ,'~,:.‘. f ':mi.:»»...“' I" ' Fw' “fir l» "' » I] ' _ > VM. f'x_:§§ ,;5_`_:‘f§;:>,i;*>,;i.;‘jxfgii§ - _ » 5 , SOGIETE` ANONYHE DES ANCIENS BT.\BLISBEKENTS P Q , _ 5; @§<;,g§1;‘§’§ Q? N¢Li;k,,Q . » FMNGE . f*%"“ l-»--- . ` = i ;§*f“‘*'i;2§§E§”5¢f 3* ¥ mr or gunna! ao, non . ;..:. x ,....¢..q»-1 4 __ ., `_ » rf" ~» Lppuuuan ma neumm xo, ms. sum no. $83,967. ` _rw . A _ _ ] EM ' ` STAT To all whom- it my carmern: _ Be it known that Socivt/e| .'\.I\(lDj'll'lL\ des ;xll0i0|l9l Etablisselnents .PIlIlil&11!‘(i & Lnvns- emr, n cm-|mrutiun rlnly ur fulxizml uiuler the laws nf the Rcplxllliv uf iirallwe. louutoal in the city uf Paris. l"rnm*u. nnrl xlning Ul|Sill(‘S.‘5 at ll). Avi-mm d’I\'ry. in suis] city, has mlnpt- ml fur its uw thu t|'mlv-xnmrl-I slmwn in tho an-1-mnpmi ying drawing. 'l`im tl`il¢l(‘-|lIl\l'i{ has Im-la 4-|»nliNm\\Hl_\ lisml in its lllrsilllw-s Sitxvv April I. 1900. 'l'ln» }3|\l'f.i¢'\||Ill‘ ilu:-<c'|'i|»liuu of gumls to which the tr||¢h~-nmrk is nm1|°nm'ix\tml is 'l'Il.‘|.("l`0HF4 AND l3i’|`ERi‘~TAL FUM- Iilfff-i'l`I()N EI'°i(i]N!~lS. 1-un\p|'isv|l in (`1a|sa 23. (hilary. Il`lllCiliTll'l')', anal tools. mul pxirts thvrcnf, npplicnnt being the owner of regis- trniion No. 82267, finfml June 3, 1911. ENT _ The trade-mark is usually displayed by printing same on labels which are attached t|lé}a1»!kI\g0S containing the goods. ~_ui4l tmda-1\11n1~l< has bovn registered in FI`l\ll¢‘(‘ minted April 26, 1923 Rn. 217199. Movk & Blum, wliosv postal address is 10 East fiiltli Slrent, New York, N. Y., are desig- nutvri. ns npplicunt’s rc|arusox1tntiv0. on whom |m_ruv|-sq nr nnticv nf prncoemliligs nffuct.in,<,! the 1-:glib nf ownership -nf said trnmlu-lmlrk hrmight \ll\(il‘l` thi- laws of the United States muy' ht' s0r\'vd. _ SUCIETE ANONYME DES ANCIINS . ETABLISSEMENTS PANHARD & \.AV|\SSC|R» By PAUL PHNHARU. Mrumuizlg (Hn-vtor. i .' ;,..,_. g _ g§,»‘jé?‘~ , "M-15' `:\'=»?‘ -¢».<¢1=»,». ii : <;@§f¥; - 1

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