Patent Gazettes

Online Gazette Finder: Choose Decade Year Month Gazette

Gazettes Online at Hathi Trust

Hathi Trust is a massive virtual library. Patent librarian Leena Lalwani created a collection of Patent Office Gazettes for the whole world to use for which Historic Intellectual Property fans are eternally grateful. Hathi's indexing leaves a little to be desired however when it comes to gazettes. Hathi's navigation "sections" are not consistent from one gazette volume to another and a single link in the collection often takes you to a volume of many gazettes. The gazettes were published weekly and some of the Hathi volumes span a month or a quarter of a year.

I use Leena's collection all the time. So much so that it was worth my time to create a database of links to the index page for most of the gazettes in the collection. Leena's collection contains over 1,800 volumes. My database to the index page for each gazette within those volumes contains over 6,200 links. Try out the link above to Leena's collection vs using my links when you know the date of the gazette you want to use. I think one is way easier than the other but I may be biased. Hathi Trust occasionally breaks my links so some upkeep is required on my part.

I've put the link to this page under Patents though that is a bit arbitrary. Gazettes can be used to look up trademarks published for opposition or to view prints or label registrations etc. My links should put you on the index page for the gazette date you select. From there you can go anywhere you'd like. As good as Hathi is, it is not complete. It's missing about 9% of the published gazettes. 1902 would be an example where not all gazettes are available. Spoiler alert: there's more good stuff about Hathi Trust once you pick a decade!