RE112 | 1848-05-09 | RE000112.pdf | \ L2 tei ~ , if Jizz Hire ~ ?f/?/az WoBenon fv Prprorremee A '-- BL]. ; ly- - E CHt [=/ Ls _ TUT Tm cC C- -+} «© Tm m - “glasmnmw a- o ge 20 hve Pre hoots - [mm/Km”; e pe =_ Tork (30, - oll Peigsused May 9 12149; _ SratEs VILLIAM R. NEVINS, Parent Orrick. OF NEW YORK, N. Y. IMPROVEMENT IN MACHINES FOR ROLLING DOUGH AND CUTTING CRACKERS ANb BISCUIT. Slpecilientinn {owning part of Letters Patent No. 141, dated March 2, 1836; Reissue No. 1 L2, dated '- : to tay t e 60> May 9, 18489. CL as to? To all whon it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM R. NEvINs, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in the Machine for Rolling Dough and Cut- ting the same into Crackers or Biscuits; and I do hereby declare that the follow ing is a full, clear, and exact description of the principle or character which distinguishes them from all other things before known, and of the man- ner of making, constructing, and using the - same, reference being had to the accompany ing drawings, making part of this specifica- tion, in which- Figure 1 is a side clevation of the machine, and Fig. 2 an clevation of the: delivery end thereof, qid Fig. 3, a longitudinal vertical section. ~. c: + , « The same letters. indicate like parts in all the figures. ' . 'The nature of my invention consists in cut- ting: the crackers by means of reciprocating . cutters which have an up-and-down motion, in combination with an endless apron which carries: the dough to the cutters on which the crackers or biscuits are cut, and which removes them from under the cutters after being cut, when this combination is produced and ef- fected by connecting the reciprocating motion of the cutters with the said apron by mechani- cal means to give to it an intermittent motion that will keep the apron at rest while the cut- ters are cutting into and rising from the dough and then move it forward the required dis- tance to present the sheet of dough for the cut- ting of another set of crackers or biscuits. A. A is the frame of the machine, which may be made of either wood or iron. B is a shaft to which the driving-power may be applied. 'This is represented as having a winch, C, on one of its ends, which may be used when it is to be driven by hand; but it . may be actuated by any other motive power,. D is a fly-wheel on' the opposite end of said shaft. j The shaft B is represented as a crank shaft ~ carrying the cutters and dockers to be pres- ently described. V j On the shaft B there is a pinion, E, from which motion is communicated to the other parts of theapparatus,.- The pinion E gears a spur-wheel, F, which revolves on an in- dependent center or axis, L, said wheel 1° be- ing intermediate between the pinion E and the spur-wheel G, which is on the shaft of the lower roller, H, of the pair of rollers by which the dough is rolled out, the roller I being the upper roller of this pair. - 'These are geared to- | gether by pinionson one of their ends, (seen in partat a and b, Fig. 1.) These pinions mesh sufficiently deep into one another to allow of the adjusting of the rollers to the varying - thickness which it may be desired to give to the dough, which is done by means of the ad- justing-screws I I. They may be about five or _ six inches in diameter and about sixteen inches - long, more or less.. . j The dough having been properly prepared, || is to be placed on an inclined feeding-board, J,. down which it will tend to: descend by its own gravity, and the lower portion of it being fattened and passed by hand between the roll- ers H 1, it will be rolled out by the revolving of said rollers to a 'unform: thickness, and will pass from them onto an endless apron, K, that passes round the feeding-rollers L M. These feeding-rollers are to remain at rest during the operation of the cutters, and for this purpose have an intermitting motion given to them by means of an apparatus shown on the side elevation, Fig. 1, where c is a ratchet- wheel and d is a small pulley or drum on the end of the feeding-roller L. e Nok, e is a crank-pin on the fiy-wheel D, that car- > ries a rod, f, to which is attached a cord or band, i, that passes around the pulley d, and like the cord i is attached thereto, the weight .| Abeing suspended from its outerend. By means of this apparatus and of the pawl J, jointed to the wheel d, which engages with the ratchet- wheel c in one direction, but does not act up' on it in the reverse direction (a device well understood by machinists} an intermitting mo- tion will be communicated to the feeding- . relief TL and consequently to the endless apron - KK. | «0 The amount of the motion given to the feed- ing-apron is such as. to feed the rolled dough to. such an extent equal to the width of the biscuits or crackers to be cut, and the rollers H I must be so geared as to supply this quan- tity. . This may be regulated by changing the pinion E, the center or azis k of the interme- diate wheel, F, beipg. made movable in a slot 2 to admit of such change. * As the dough passes from between the rollers HI it has to descend to the apron K, a distance equal to the diame- ter of the lower roller, as seen distinctly in Fig. 3, and this allows sufilcient play to the endless apron for its intermitting motion. The cutting of the dough is effected in the following manner: The shaft B, I have said, operates as a crank-shaft. Its wrists are shown at m m, Fig. 2. \ » » are the lifters that embrace the crank-shaft, and are attached to the cutting-slide N, that has 'grooves in its ends that are adapted to the guide-tongues o 0. The cutters and dockers are attached to the bottom of the slide N, as shown at p and in a face view in Fig. 4. The cutters are here represented as adapted to square crackers or biscuits; hut they may be equally well adapt- ed to the eutting of them round' or in any other form. The plate g q is the dlearer, and is shown separately in Pig. 5. - Itis perforat- . ed in such manner as to allow the:cutters and dockers to pass through it and operate on the ._ dough. Directly under the cutters, 'and be- © low the upper section of the endless apron, ; there is an iron plate, (shown at rr in Fig. 3,) | which plate sustains the action of the cutters.. There should also be a supporting board or ta- ble, &, under the apron, to preyent its swag- ging with the weight of the dough.. The dis- tance between the rollers HI and the cutters may be about five feet, as this leaves sufficient room for the proper action of, the respective parts. - ~ Woe 20. _- I have represented what I deem the most . convenient mode of moving the cutters up and down by using tHe shaft B ag a crank-shaft; but this may be'effected by 4 rack and pin- . ion, in the manner of the well-known man- 'gle-wheel motion, or by a segment- wheel mo- ion, or by arms or tappets, and I do not, there- fore, intend to limit myself to-:the particular: © device herein shown, but to adopt any equiva- Jent means of attaining the same end. he's --. I6 will be obvigns from the foregoing that .the arrangement of parts for communicating 'the intermitting motion to the apmon from the shaft that givgs,the reciprocating motions to the cutters may 4 erk send yet attain the |- _ 112. same end-as, for instance, instead of the cords and weights that operate the wheel d, that carries the pawlj, a rack on the end of the connecting-rod may be substituted to op- erate a cog-wheel instead of the wheel d; and, in fact, any equivalent mechanical movement may be substituted. bos I have found it advantageous to prepare the dough for being finally rolled out by the roll- ' ers H I by passing it through preparing-roll- ers, which I have used separate from my ma- chine when the latter is made to operate by . band. When it is moved by other power such preparing-rollers may be attached to the machine and be actuated by the same power, and I have so represented it in the accompa- ing drawings, but without intending to make any claim to the so attaching it. _ O and P 'are the auxiliary or preparing rollers, which may be driven. by an interme- diate pinion, Q, gearing into a wheel, R, on the lowermost of these rollers, 8, being an'in- clined board upon which to place the dough. -What I claim as my invention, and desire to (secure by Letters Patent, is-- _ _. bas 1. Cutting by means of reciprocating cut- ters on an apron having an intermittent mo- tion, substantially as described, by combining | and connecting together, in the stantially as herein described, the réciprocat- ing motion of the cutters with the intermit- . ting progressive motion of the apron that car- ries the dough to and under the cutters, to be delivered, as-described, whereby the apron moves the dough forward the required dis- | - tance while: the cutters are up, and remains at rest while they are cutting and leaving the -.. dough. [on . - . e 2. The stationary plate or clearer with per- forations through which the cutters and dock- ers pass when this is combined with the re- ciprocating cutters and dockers, and the apron that passes below it with an intermit- ting motion, as described. .- . :. 2k WILLIAM R. NEVINS. Witnesses:. hae 6 \- ~R. W. LowsBEex,. - ~- A..P. BROWNE. |