Reissued Patent RE116
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RE1161848-06-13RE000116.pdfSbee! 1-6 Seer's. , [. - /2?z2ss, Weve 22/3, 1540. f I i?gj/j 19 Shee 2-5 Sboals ?d/Qi ' a f LIZ. S X _ ?lkizfé‘d/zr/Jz 1434248. f «Sees 3-6 Sien's. [. ook [itz [Pass - Neve - 9 5&7; T x ?zkgy/Jx/Q/z 13,4548. »Veest 4-6 »SRLLNS [. Baars . [Pass _ Miva 9? $ Y4S x - Aeissme@ 72/3/9408 24. CL . 5-6 Slieat's [. Aas. [Pass /ieissued hor 31848 NC -- RX --...:--------- atp
    whose office is to carry the crank A,and to ro- tate the shaft i and the several pieces secured .> 'to said shaft. . The shaft i runs on the jour- nals & 1, the former of which runs in the box 'm, attacked to the end piece of the frame, and .. box the side piece. of the -. 'o, Figs. 1 and 7, denotes a toothed pinion - secured on the fly-wheel shaft, its office being ° to give rotary motion to the wheelg, into which it g "f i Cua Ah 2 - p, Fig. 7, denotes a handle secured to an arm of the fiy-wheel, so as to enable a person to put the maching in motion by hand. - Pul- leys and bands or other devices may be used to connect the machine with any other power. :The process of distributing the ink is per- formed by means of a system of rollers, as fol- ows: met [A _ -gqdenotesasection of the ink-fountain. This . is made upon the principle of those in com- mon use, and is principally composed of a ‘ ‘ trough for the ink, a roller, and a seraper. ° the several operative parts be made to still | r denotes the fountain-roller, which is turned in the usual manner by means. of a ratchet- wheel on one end of it and a pawl); s, Fig. ii connected to the lever t, which is attached: | 113! ?ag fulcrum 4 to the gide of the frame, -. » denotes a feed-roller, which is. provided with an elastic composition surface. Its office is to take the ink from the fountain-roller and - convey it to the distribution-cylinder w. Said feed-roller is suspended by pivots in bear: ings (one of which is seen at @, Fig. 3) cpl:i roj down in contact with the fountain-roller (in order to take from it a portion of ink every . % f 116 time an impression is givén) by means of a projection from each of two guide-pieces, (one of which is seen at y, Fig. 1,) which are at- tached to the ends of the bed. Said projec-. bed is raised up to produce tions, when the I - an impression, come up under the ends of the levers t t, and, by forcing said ends 'up, canse the opposite ends, with the roller suspended on them, to move down until said roller is brought into contact with the fountain-roller, which imparts to it, along its whole length, a - small quantity of ink. When the bed is low- ~ered down, the weights of the levers t ? (one . ' of which weights is seen at z, Fig. 1) cause - the feed-roller to rise up and come in contact vith the distribution-cylinder , upon the surface of which the fuk thus taken from the . ' fountain will afterward be distributed by the rolling together of the peripheries of said . cylinder and said roller, ~The cylinder w should be sustained by its journals in boxes so attached to the ends of the two side pieces - of the frame, Figs. 2 and 3, as to be adjust- able vertically by means of slots or otherwise. 'The said cylinder receives constant rotary mo- tion from the fly-wheel shaft by means of an endless band, which runs over the pulleys a' on the fly- wheel shaft and b' on the 'shaft of the - cylinder. | _ ‘ Sa > In order to make a perfect distribution of' toend over the surface of . &, (Bee both: the ink from end the cylinder w, a short roller, © Figs. 1 and 3, the latter figure being a rear - elevation of :it and the parts adjacent to it, is made to travel from end to end of said syl- - inder alternately. The surface of the said _ traveling roller is composed of an elastic com- position such as that in common use for making . distribution-rollers of printing-machines, and "it is made to travel in a lateral direction on the surfice of the cylinder by being held aftainst it with its axis in an angular direction to the axis of the ?nder while said cylin- - def is revolving. -: effect of this is to cause - 'the traveling roller to gradually approach one end of .the cylinder until its inclination is in-: taking place said roller will | the other end of the said cyl- |. "verted, which travel toward y. inder. | ys.. 00 >>) _ e ~ . _d denotes the frame of the carriage, to which the traveling roller is attached. ' ~ ¢ ¢ are wheels or friction-rollers, the said frame rests. . © ~~ _ > -_. f' is a borizontal transverse rod, on which the carriage travels, and g denotes a similar -rod, which serves proper position.. . _ _. The traveling roller revolves on a small rod or atle in a frame, A', which is secured to the 'end of a spindlo or rocker-shaft, i', which rocker-shaft rests in a heath}; forned by a hole made through the frame d. £0 _- k denotes another spindle or rocker-shaft, resting in another bearing formed by another hole made through the lower part of said frame.. To the end of this s indie-is secured across-piece, p', one end of whichis connected on which roller to be in contict the drawings, Fig. 1. the said traveling roller | other end of the to keep the carriage in its . cock,. or their equivalents, to one end of the roller-frame by means of the connecting-rod m'. | ' - x is a weighted lever, which is attached to the end of the rocker-shaft k.. f ~o' is a flat spring, which is secured to the frame & by its lower end, while its upper end is made to bear against a collar or. shoulder on the rocker-gbaft ¢. . Its use is to press the - traveling roller against the cylinder . , The diagonal or oblique bearing of the trav- "eling roller against the cylinder w is succes- 'sively changed, as follows: Supposing the cyl- inder w to be in motion and the traveling with it, as shown in will advance toward one end of the cylin- der until it shall have approached near to it, when the lever » will be brought in con- tact with a projection which proceeds from the lower part, q', Fig. 2, of the scroll, which _. supports the parallel rods, - f g'. and is near the said end of said cylinder. The said pro- jection, by means of the continued advance-. ment of the traveler toward and against it, elevates the said weighted lever »' and forces it over, so as to throw its center of gravity on the opposite side of the rocker -shaft K, to!. which it is attached. | The said weighted le- ver in falling over will turn said roc er-sbaft in its bearing, and by so doing will. elevate the cross-piece F', and so as, to carry the pin or screw 1", which goes through the slot #5, Fig. 8, made through the connection-rod t', in contact with the upper end of the-said slot, and thereby raise the connecting-rod »s* and the end or part of the franie of the roller ¢, and reverse the angular position of the sani' roller, whereby it will be caused, by the rota- tion of the cylinder #, to travel toward the: said cylinder. Having reached the said end, the said weighted lover will meet another projection from the oppo- site scroll, which supports the opposite ends of thesaid paraliel rods f' g'. Raid pmgocuon will in its turn reverse the position of the said weighted lever and the traveling roller, or move the same back again into their original positions. ~. _ . - The distribution-cylinder » may be mado of wood; or it may be constructed of metal and be hollow and tight, so as to be capable of holding water or steam. . It may be provided with a faucet or some other equivalent, through which cold or heated water may be introduced into said cylinder; or it may have a pipe and _ « 1 which pipe may ° be connected with the interior of said cylinder by means of a hole made 'through the shaft thereof.. Through said pipe steam, instead of hot water, may be introduced into the cylin- der. : By these means the temperature of the ink and the distribution-rollers may be regu- lated. Two or more cylinders may be used instead of the said cylinder. | 'The ink, being thus properly distributed over the surface of the cylinder 10, is transferred by the said cyl- inder to the elastic composition surfaces of 118 7 -and upon the projecting pin '%' thereof in such bue, two, or more rollers, r' , which are made to transfer the same to the printing-surface of the forms of types &.- 'Phe said-two rollets | « & are suspended in the usual manner By their journals, which are made to run in boxés "yroperly fixed to the front part of .a sliding: rame, -£, which I call the *' frisket-catriage."' . Fig. 9 denotes a top view of said carriage, the - roller-boxes, and certain other: parts attached - to it, (see also Figs. 10 and 11,) . which are re- spectively a top and side view of one-half of a frisket-carriage having certain other parts. to ~ be hereinafter described, attached 'to it. _. ~ o v, Figs. 1, 2, and. 3, denote rails having > grooves in their top sides. © The said rails are- ° secured to the inner sides of the press-frame,; their aaid grooves being for the frisket-car- rlage to slide in. When the impression is be- Ang produced, the position of the frisket-car- . rlage is such as to bring: the rollers s' #" in a central position on the cylinder w, whereon they lay and roll in contact with said cylinder ' during most of the time that the bed is in the - act of rising and falling. © By this means the ink is evenly conimanicated from said cylin- der to the whole surfaces of the rollers's' #',- the said: rollers, by means of a proper move- ment of the frisket-carriage, being afterward caused to roll entirely over the form of ty pes, first from left to right, and next back again to their places: on the. distribution:cylinder. w, thus rolling twice over the form. - This motion of the frisket-carriage and the. parts attached -to it is produced by means 'of the vertical levers or arms w' w', (see Figs. 1 and 12,) which are attached to it by means of two - connecting-rods, z', that are properly jointed to said arms and: to the arms projecting from said carriage, as seen at y y in Figs. 1 and 9.. The said avins or levers w' w' proceed up- ward from near each end of a transverse rock- er-shaft, #, which'is snpported in the machine 'by gudgeons a'>a', Fig, 12, which are sup- : ported in bearings 5" I', Figs. 2 and 3; made on the inner surfaces of the two side pieces coin.. of the frame. - > ~- P sr.. __ &, Fig. 1, denotes another rocker-shaft which lies parallel to the one just described, and resta in bearings on the inside surfaces of the (again thesame manner as those represented: .- From near the middie of the shaft & an . arm or lever, ¥, proceeds npward, and is con- ° n by means of the connecting - rod or: © shackle-bar' e (see Fig. 1) and proper joints to the crank-pin A, which projects fromm the side of the toothed wheel g. It may be seen: that the crank-pin A stands off sidewige some- | what from the crank-pin f*. This is for the vse of timing the motion produced by the erank A with that produced by the erank f' J, . 1, denotes an instrgment which I lan 'alternator."" Itis fixed tothe rocker: shaft 0 near to its front end and in such man: ner as to receive in the eccentric slot or groove A', made through it, the friction-roller ¢, Fig. |- 14, said roller being affixed to the front arm,s0', alternator.- This operation will give a re .and" progressive motion to the roller i', the a 3 [position and manner that when motion is given to tho rocker-shaft o' by the crauk 'and the in- teemediate partsit will cause the aforesaid al' - to. have a reciprocating motion and |. carry the roller £ through all parts of the said. slot or. eccentric groove A' through or'in said regular arms w"w', and the frisket-carriage, to which they. are attached, and will hold said arms and carriage stili at and- during tha proper time, according as the direction of said slot in its: different. parts: varies more or less: from or coincides with the are of a cirtle whose center is the center: of the rocker-shaft &. 00 =. -= ~ 'The alternator g' is made to perform its office as follows:; When the various operating parts of the machine occupy the positions in which 'they ara. represented in -Fig. 1, the-friction- roller {* will be in the upper extremity of the . . Slot of the alternator, and the frisk and the two inking-rollers ¢ a" wil be drawn . to their extreme limit of motion toward: the right-hand ond of the immachine. -Now, sup- posing the machine in operation, the operat- ing parts being. situated as just mentioned, the moment the axis of the crank A passes its: line of. centers it will cause by its operation on the connecting:-rod. & and lever & and rock- 'ing shaft c' the alternator to begin its motion: toward the left-hand end of the machine, which motion being continued causes the- friction: . roller 5, while moving glong with the alter- 'nator and carrying. with it the arms w w and the frisket earrringe and inking-rollers # #, to descend gradually in the slot of the alternator 'antil its center reaches the dotted line?, where said slot begins to. be an arc of a circle whose. center is in the axis of the rocker-shaft c'. -The motion thus produced to this extent will bave given the frisket-carriage its entire mo-: tiqn toward the left, and have brought the inking-rollers a' # toa central position on the ~distribution-cylinder w, where they remain and receive a distribution of ink.until the crank A shall have caused the alternator to perform the: remaining part'of-its motion toward the left, > 'and a reversed motion such as to carry the - center of the roller € again to the dotted line - P. This having taken place, the said roller | will begin-to rise toward the upper part.of the slot of the alternator, and to move toward the right-hand end of the machine and carry with it the said arms, frisket-carriage, and inking | roliers until these parts have all received their requisite motion in that-direction. © On com- pletion of the same the crank A will again pass | its said line of centers and produce the mo- tions in the opposite direction, as before de: During the progress of the process of distri-. bution the sheets to be printed must be suc- cessively laid upon the tympan and pointed so as to. make register; Loe dees n _ 'The following is a description of the tympan 1 and the parts intended to govern the register: __. per sheets m', Fig. 1, denotes: the iympan or feed- board, and Fig. 13 der side of it, together with the pars which sustain and operate the register-points n' n', . Fig. 1. This tympan or feed-board consists of a rectangular frame, 0°; covered on its up- per side with a sheet-iron plate, 19, tends from end to end of said frame, and from its upper or right-hand edge down onto. the eross-bar -q, thus constituting a regular in- clined plane, upon which the sheets of paper to be printed are to be successively laid. | Its lower edge resis.upon the top edges of the two sides of the press-frame. (Its supported by the gudgeons "1", Fig. 13, which rest in bearings in the upper ends of the stand- ards # #, which are raised respectively above the upper edges of the two sides of the préss- frame. (See Figs. 1, 2, and 3.) 'The tympan is thus suspended in order that it may be turned up néarly to 1 vertical position, so as to. make room for the platen to be moved off" from over the bed. .. - . | . @ £, Fig. 1, denote small holes or cavities made in the inside edge or face of the farther side piece, #, of the frame of the said tymnpan. These holes are made for the reception 'of one end of a rod which it is necessary to put across the said tympan-frame for the purpose of sus- taining the edges _ of paper as may be too wide for said tympan without such or a similar provision.. Theend of said rod which comes next to the person who points the sheets may be secured to the . tympan by passing a pin through one of a number of holes made horizontally through the nearend rail of said tympan opposite to the holes £ 2, said pin being made to enter hole drilled into the end of said rod. it may be changed conveniently and quickly from one place toanother, or be taken out and - dispensed with, according as cireuinstances . . may require. 'The shects, after they have been pointed, are seized by nippers and dragged from the tympan in a manner hereinafter to . be described. °- _ In order to prevent the tearing of the pa- at the point-holes, it becomes nee- essary for the points to be drawn down bélow the surface of the tympan the moment after. . the sheets have been fastened upon by said unippers and a moment before they begin to be | moved from said tympan. This is performed, . and the points again thrust out successively, as follows: The points »' n'. consist of small spindles, each of which is pointed at one end, but otherwise of uniform size, excepting in the middle, which isenlarged, and has a groove turned or formed in it, the said groove being made fo receive the forked end of one of two little levers, v ia". a' a*: denote stocks or frames which sustain the points and their le- vers. - Each of the points rest and move up and down freely through two projections, #" 3, made upon the outer end of each of the said stocks. - Each of the levers v' «w', which 7 exhibits a view of the un- which ex-. upper part is ordlower parts of such sheets . . Thisgmode® _ of securing said rod is adopted in order that operate said poiins, is secured to-one of the said stocks by means of. a fulerem screw or pin, @, and each of the said. stocks is secured to the iron plate. of the tympan by ® little - screw-bolt, 7, and 'a confining-nut, ¢. The inner ends of the lovers v" i' are brought to-. ; gether in the center of the tympan, where they are jointed: to the ond «*. of nnother bent'le- ° ver, &, whose fulcrums or journals are sus- tained in bearings /* f*, as seon in Fig. 18, ap: plied to the under side of the tympan-frame. The opposite end or arm of the bent lever passes down between the side piece of the press-frame aud the side of the frisket-c?rriag’maaséen in. Fig. 1, where it is operated upon as follows: On the side of the frigket-carriage is afired x. little cam, g", (seo Fig. 9,) which. is so placed that when said carringe is in operation said cam shall at the proper time pass under the end of the lower arm of the lever & and ele- vate it, which operation, through the action. of the levers v' w', will cause the points to project above the surface of the tympan, where - they will be held the proper period of time > by means of the spring N, Fig. 2, said apring .. being secured to the inside of one side of the press-frame, and so placed that when said arm is elevated as aforesaid said spring will spring out into or under a suitable notch made for the purpose on the outer side of said arm. 'By means of another: cam, #, affixed to the side of. the frisket-earriage, the spring » is pressed back, so as to disengage the sai? arm, and allow it by its own weight, or by the as- . sistance of a spring, to fail down, and thereby cause the points to be or even with the surface of the tympan. The said cam # should be arranged on the frisket- : carriage in such manner that it may actuate the spring when the said carriage first starts to yo . toward the left-hand end of the machine, and this it.does by coming in contact with the stud - ', projecting from the spring A'; This cam . consists of the beveled corner of a sort of latch or-click so affixed to the side of the carriage by means of a sérew-pin. at :P that in its pas- sage toward the right-hand end of the ma- M . chine it shall slip or slide over the projection by rising up in the manner of a Intech and glipping over, so as not to press said apring . from under the notch which holds up the le- ver &, and 'so that the moment. the beveled: corner or cam has passed the said projection K it shall drop down sufficiently to. come - against said stud. and press back said spring, 'and by that means drop the points, when the carriage beging its motion in the other direc- tion, as aforesaid. -It is sometimes necessary -that the points be placed so as to range cross- wise of the sheet, and sometimes lengthwise or at right angles to the position indicated in the drawings. The holes through the iron plates, therefore, thronigh which the bolts b' pass to secure the point- stocks to the tympan, are elongated into ares of .a 'circle, as seen at P P, Fig. 13, whose center is in the screw or pin #, : which joints the levers vw' to the bent lever &, inoved downward below . - 794545X 16 . s tue ~ Theseslots permitthé-point-stocks to be moved around in any necessary position, to make reg- isters crosswise or lengthwise of the sheet, as circumstances may require, without rendering it necessary to remove the bolts by which the said stocks are secured in their places, and without. separating the points or their stocks from the machinery which operates them or from the parts which hold them in their places. The four holes m' r' o' p', Fig. 13, which are. made through the iron plate of the tympan and for the points n'n' to project through, must also be made curved, and long enough to allow of the necessary variation of the points from central lines across the tympan. The sheets to be printed are successively laid by the attendant in a central position on the tym- panabove described. The points, having been first properly adjusted and secured in their places, so as-to produce register, are thrust through each sheet by pressing the sheet down upon them. e ' - The nippers which take the sheets from the tympan are constricted as follows: There should be several sets for each press, (two or more pairs in a set, as the length of the sheet may require, ) each set differing in length from the others, according as the sheets to be print- ed may vary in width one from another, the . widest sheets requiring the shortest nippers, and the narrowest sheets requiring the longest ones. dol t . /q 7, Fig. 1, denote the nippers as they ap- pear the moment before being closed for the purpose of seizing the edge of a sheet. _ #, Figs. 1 and 9, is a rod, which extends - across from side to side of the frisket-carriage, and is so affixed to said carriage as to turn in bearings in its side rails. ' tos The nippers are composed of thin plates @ 1", of steel or other suitable material, jointed together, so as to open and close on said rod '# in a manuer similar to that in which the leaves for a common door-hinge are jointed together, and turn on the pin which secures them together. The upper half or part, ¢, of each pair of nippers is secured by means of set-screws or otherwise to the rod #, while the lower half or part thereof is allowed to turn freely on said rod." The'said lower parts, , are drawn up toward the upper ones by means of wire springs £ &, which are wound . around the rod #, one end 'of each of said springs being attached by means of the collars -and set-screws, as seen at # x", to said rod. The other end of each of said springs is at- tached to-one of the said lower halves or parts - of the nippers. e ‘ - ~' As .a means by which the lower halves of . the nippers may be kept in a horizontal posi- tion, while their upper halves are elevated, and by which the time of closing said nippers . together may be controlled, there is a projec- tion, w', which proceeds from the lower part of the hinge part of cach lower half or part, _+". These projections, while the lower blades 'of the nippers occupy horizontal positions, re- main under 'the projecting hook of a catch- bar, #, (a transverse section of which is seen in Fig. 1,) which extends entirely across the frisket-carriage, and is. sustained therein by pivots, which project from its ends at the an- gular part w, and rest and move in bearings in the side rails of said carriage in such man- ner as to allow the projecting hook to be pressed back by the projections #, which act on its inclined top when the nippers are brought down into a horizontal position. As soon -as the same takes place the said catch-bar will be immediately moved forward by the action of ° gravity to its place over the projections w' 2°, as shown in Fig. 1. The lower halves or parts of the nippers will be thus held in a horizontal position until the proper moment Tor them to be raised upward. At such time the hook of said catch-bar is drawn away from the projec- | tions x' w', and this permits the springs £ # to force up the lower blades, 1°», and close them upon or against the upper ones. The upper blades of the nippers should be much - longer than the lower ones as to allow of their lapping about an eighth of an inch onto the lower edge or bar-of the tympan, the lower blade being short enough to allow it to be brought up against the upper blade without touching said tympan. It is necessary that the horizontal motion of the nippers toward the tympan or feed-board. should be stopped 'a little before the frisket-carriage has arrived at its extreme limit of. motion toward the right-hand end of the machine or away from the platen in order that the said nippers may seize the sheets when they (the nippers) have no other motion than that of the closing of the two halves or blades toward each other - and the sheet between them; otherwise the sheets might be so jarred or moved from their places after having been pointed as to spoil the register. - In order to effect this object, > the journals of the rod # are made to enter grooves made horizontally in the edges of the perpendicular parts of the side rails of the frisket - carriage. To keep the rod # pressed firmly against the inner end of said grooves, and at the same permit it to slide longitudinally in the grooves, small pistons or slides a* a", Figs. 1 and 9, are respectively inserted inthe ends of the hollow cylinders y* f, in which are helical springs to press said pistons out in such manner as to cause them to enter said grooves and to press firmly against the journals of said rod s'. ~ For the convenience of taking the rod # out of its place in order to change the nippers or for any other purpose, one end of each of the cylinders y /* is jointed to a projection from the corners of the frisket-carriage and in such manner as to allow (after the pistons a* a" have been drawn out of the grooves or bear- ings of the rod #, the same being effected by the pressman applying his hands to small ~studs a" @") the other ends of said cylinders to be raised up sufficiently to permit said rod " to be removed. '. The nippers are actuated in: 6 . . 116 Earn by meaus of .a small friction-roller, #, . ig. 9,affizxed by. means of a screw pin or pivot 'to an arm, a', which projects from one end of the rod 5 and at right angles to said rod.. The said rolier operates in an irregular or. crooked pieces of the press-frame. ~- °C __ _.. - - _ The nippers perform their 'office in the fol- lowing manner: Let it be supposed - that the machine is' in motion and that a sheet of. pa- per has been properly pointed with its left- hand edge projecting far enough over the | lower edge or bar of the tympan for the nip- pers to take firm hold of it, also that the nip- pers are just advancing from under the platen. At this moment the friction-roller # -will en- ter the before-named groove b', which is so 'crooked as to force the said rollerdownward, and thereby while the nippers are advancing . toward the tympan cause the rod or shaft # to turn in its bearings and elevate the upper blades of the said nippers high enough above the tympan to pass over the edge of the sheet of paper on 'it. Said nippers continue to move on until they have approached . quite near to the tympan, when, by an opposite bend in said groove, said upper blades are made to descend suddenly upon the sheet of paper, their ends being made to lap, as be- fore named, about an eighth of an inch over the lower edge or bar of the tympan in order to secure the sheet in its place. At this mo- ment the projecting ends of the rod & should be mare to meet stationary projections c' d' on the sides of the press-frame, and so disposed as to arrest the further progress of said rod toward thetympan or feed-board. Thefrisket- carriage, however, continues to move on. a short distance or until the catch of the bar v is advanced sufficiently to disengage the pro- jections «" # of the lower blades of the nip- pers, which having taken place the springs f £ will instantly throw up said lower blades. and secure the sheet firmly against the upper 'ones. As soon as the nippers have been thus made to seize the sheet, the frisket-carriage will be made to begin its motion toward the bed and platen, which movement at first will Cause the points to be drawn from the sheet, 'as above described, the springs in the hollow cylinders 7 7, causing the rod '# at the same time to recede in the grooves in which its pistons a* a' play and resume its proper bear- ings. Said rod # will then leave the projec- ~ 'tions which stopped it, as described before, and the frisket-carriage continuing to move toward the bed and platen, the sheet of paper will be drawn by the nippers from the tympan or feed-board, the said nippers by the ac- tion of the aforesaid groove on the friction- roller z being made to travel back through the same track in which they had moved in 'the opposite direction and made to resume a horizontal position just as they are carried between the bed and platen, the sheet as it slips from the tympan being caused to fall and 'top of the frisket-carri groove, b', Fig. 3, made in a plate | fixed on the inner. surface of one of the side : V © _ | introduced in a horizontal position. between: be received upon the frisket ¢', which is of the ordinary. character, and rests upon the: e t', where it is kept: - in its place by steady-pins or other suitable contrivances. Thus in the above-specified manner the sheets are successively drawn from the tympan,deposited on the frisket,and. the platen and the form of types. _- - _- -_ Thegroove b' on the gide of the frameand for- the operation of the nippers, as. above de- "scribed, instead of being made stationary, may be made: movable, and may be operated by: means of levers and rotating cams or their equivalents. By such means the niglpers may be made to fasten upon the sheet while their horizontal movement is stopped or other- wise, as may be found advisable. One peculiarity. in the operation of the above-described nippers consists in their be- ing made to secure the sheets from movement on the tympan, this being effected by means of the upper blades of the nippers, as afore- said, and before said nippers are entirely closed. - Another peculiarity in the same con- [sists in said nippers being made to close upon the sheets while their horizontal motion is ar- | rested, both of which characteristics are im- portant in order to secure good register. The following is another mode of construct- ing the nippers and the parts which operate them, by which the same advantages are at- tained: -= - © Sure l Fig. 10 is a top view of one half of the fris: ket-carriage, so modified as to be suitable to receive a frame, which I call a "! nipper-frame,'' now to be described, and which is calculated to carry and operate the nippers. - Fig. 11 is a side elevation of the same half. of the. fris- "ket -carriage, together. with one half of the nipper-frame, having a pair of nippers se- cured it, said nipper-frame being so elevated as to bring the nippers in the position they: would occupy at the moment of taking hold of the paper on the tympan. Fig. 14 is a top view of the nipper-frame complete, and sepa- rated from the frisket-carriage. > It is com- posed of several parts, as follows: Fig. 15 is an outer frame, which serves as a stock to- attach all the other parts to. Fig. 19 is a view of the end of said. frame with the fric- tion-roller f+, by means of which said frame is elevated and depressed when in operation. Fig: 20 is a view of the other end of said frame. The said frame is suspended in the frisket- carriage by means of the pivots g* 9+, Figs. 14 and 15, which are made to entér holes made through the projections, (one of which is seen at ht, Figs. 10 and 11,) which are raised for -the purpose from the two corners of the fris- ket-carriage. 'These pivots may be pub into holes made for that purpose in the ends of the : main stock, Fig: 15, of said frame; and said pivots may be caused to project therefrom by helical springs placed in the bottoms of said holes. 'When so applied "to the said stock, the said pivots may be pressed in even with 7 ¢ 45 x 116 ' . «7 the ends of said Astoék-Qahd so as to enable a person to disengage it from the frisket-car-. riage and remove it therefrom. - On the inner side of each of the end pieces of the main stock, Fig. 15, of said frame are grooves made and covered with thin pieces of steel ii', calet _ lated to receive the end pieces, %* k', of an ur . ner frame, ?, Fig. 16. Fig. 18is a view of one end of -this inner frame, and Fig. 17 is a view of the other end. - When said ijoner frame, 7, is in its place, the end pieces, k*k'lie in the aforesaid grooves. in the inner Sides of the end pieses of the said stock, where they can be 'moved out about balf an inch, but are pre- vented from slipping any farther out than may be proper by means of the two little screws mt m', Fig. 14, put into holes, which may be seen at n' n', Figs. 17 and 18, the heads of said 'screws being made to come against the ends of the plates i' i* when said inner frame is pressed out to the place it generally occupie? by means of the flat steel spring 0%, dispose as seen in Fig. 14. i 20 Each nipper is composed of an upper half, »', (which is made of a thin plate of steel bent nearly into a right angle, as seen in Fig. 11.) and a lower half, which has a hingée-joint at - the part below said joint being riveted or otherwise secured to that part of the upper half which is below the angle thereof. 'This - said lower part of said upper half is that by which the nipper is secured (by means of the serew &', Fig. 11) to the middle bar of the said "inner frame, ?. (SeeFig.11.) t2, &c.,; Figs. 14 and 16, are screw-holes in said bar, in which the screws which secure the nippers to it are inserted. | > . ~ - «, Figs. 21 and 11, is a flat bar which is fixed upon the outer face of the bar to which the nippers are attached. 'to close the nippers, is performed as follows: Screws, such as are denoted by Fig. 22, and having friction-rollers, as seen in Fig. 23, are put through peculiar diagonal-shaped slots v* v* v', &c., of said bar, and are screwed in- 10 corresponding holes in the middle bar of the frame ? in such manner as togllow the bar «* to be slipped back and forth endwise, in or- der to cause said friction-rollers and screws to work freely through the whole lengths of the. the slots. Now the end w*of the bar u* is fit- ted to the inside of the forward end: of the right-hand end piece of the stock in the man- ner of a miter-that is to say, both are made angular or beveled, as seen in Figs. l14and 15-- so that when the inner frame is pressed in to- ward the main body of the stock the beveled end of the said end piece of said stock operates against the end. of the sliding bar in the man- ner of & cam or wedge, and causes it to slip along on the middle bar of the frame?, where, 'by the friction-rollers, Fig. 23, and screws, Fig. 22, are caused to operate through the said diagonal slots v*v', &e. - The upper sides of said slots move over and upon said friction- rollers and screws in the manner of inclined © planes, and so as to cause said bar «' to rise on the side of the frame. f sheet which may have been laid on it. Its duty, which is up and bear or crowd its upper- edge against | the lower blades of the nippers, and so as to force or turn said lower blades npward against. the upper ones, and cause both of said blades to take firm Hold of the paper; which is laid upon and to be drawn off the tympan or feed- beard. _ ~- >. | The manner in which these nippers perform their office is as follows: Let it be supposed that a sheet has been: properly pointed on the feed-board, and the nippers are being moved toward it. Just as said nippers emerge from under the platen the friction-roller f* on the nipper-frame will enter the crooked groove b* This groove or slot, operating: on. the said. friction-roller, will 'cause the nipper-frame to rise up and elevate the nippers as they advance until the forward - ends of their upper blades shall be presented above the cdge of the paper on the tympan, - when by a sudden bend or turn downward in said groove, or by the operation of a cam or other mechanical equivalent, as before men- tioned, the ends of said upper part or parts of the nippers will be brought suddenly down upomthe lower edge of the tympan and the At the © instant this occurs projections v', Figs. 11,16, | 17, and 18, from the corners of the inner frame meet projections c* d', Figs. 2 and 3, from the sides of the frame, whith arrest the further progress of that part of the nipper-frame and the nippers; but the frisket-carriage and con- sequently the main stock of the nipper-frame continning to move on for a short space fur- ther, the said inner frame, F, Fig. 16, is pressed in toward the main part of the stock sufficiently to cause the beveled end w* of the end piece, 2", of said stock to operate on the sliding bar u* and 'cause it to close the nip- pers upon the sheet, as above described. The movement of the frisket-carriage in the opposite direction carries the sheet in between . the bed and platen. the same as in the case of the nippers first described. ~The bar ut is thrown 'back so as to relieve the pressure of: nippers upon the paper, as follows: y', Fig. 2, denotes a wedge or cam affixed by one end by means of a screw, pin, or. piv- ot, z*, to the side of the frame of the machine in the manner of a latch or click, its place on the side of the frame being such that very soon after the nipper-frame shall begin its mo- tion toward the right-hand end of the ma- chine the end 2° of the bar' u' will be brought against the wedging part a®, which will cause said bar to slide back endwise, its diagonal slots at the same time allowing it to drop ° down, and thus to relieve the lower blades of the nippers, so that said rippers shall open to receive the sheet as the nipper-frame shall be elevated, as before described. When the nipper-frame, with the ni ppers closed, shall be in motion toward the left-hand end of the ma- chine the end 3° of said bar « will be brought in contact with the under side of the wedge y*, and will elevate it so. as to pass under it. 8 j . 116 As soon as the bar passes beyond the wedge- click, the latter will. drop back to its place of rest, where it will be ready at the proper mo- ' ment again to operate on the bar w, as afore- - said. - The bed on which the form of types is' placed: is represented at 1%, Fig. 1, the said form being also exhibited at ¢*:. 'The bed is constructed in the usual manner, and must be strong endugh to sustain the im- pression. - While it rises or falls it is kept steady in its place by means of projections from its ends, which slide in grooves d, Figs. 2 and 3; formed on the side pieces of the frame, and also by a guide-piece, é, Fig. 1, firmly secured to said bed, and made to project into other vertical grooves formed on the sides of the frame at [*, Figs. 2 and 3... The bracing- rods g', Fig. 1, also serve to preserve the hori- zontal position of the bed. . ~The platen is represented at?", Fig. 1. Fig. 24 is a projection of the same, showing its top side, together with certain parts attached to it, - to be hereinafter described. _- | . i denotes the bottom bar which sustains the impression. It extends across the machine, :and is connected by its ends to the platen by stroug iron bolts, which pass up by the sides of the press-frame from the said ends, and are received in the openings k P, Fig. 24, pre- pared for the purpose in the side and near the ends of the strong rib-piece ?, which passes “qger the top of the 'platen and forms a part of it. : f -m n, Fig. 1, are "toggle-joints." sively raised ap, so-as to bring the types in contact with the sheets against the face of the platen with suitable foree to produce the im- pressions. The lower end of the lower one, progressive levers, called 'n', rests on a ledge, 0°, projecting from thesgide: of the bottom bar at its lower edge. - The up- per end of the upper one, ns", is made to op- erate against the under side of the bed, as seen at p', Fig. 1. . ' The voggle joints are operated by meaus of ~ the alternator q>, which is in principle of con- struction and operation very similar to that described for operating the frisket-carriage. » is a friction-rollér, against which the al- ternator acts to throw up and straighten the toggle-levers. Said roller is placed on the center joint-pin, #, and in a slot, £, about four inches wide (the length of the roller) in the middle of the toggles, said slot being made to extend from «> in the upper lever to w in the lower one, and forms a suitable opening for the alternator q' to play through. , «w denotes a pitman, conuected at one end by means of the pin a" with the said alternator q*, and at the other end (by means of a strap, key, and boxes) to the crank f*, Fig. 7, which projects from the side of the rotating toothed wheel. The left-hand end of the pit- man is forked, so as to receive the upper part of the alternator q between its two flat prongs. The pin ais put through the said prongs and through the crooked slot y' in said alternator. -down again is as follows: by which the bed is succes- impressions are produced. u which slot has an abrupt depression at one end of it, which forms a suitable bearing for the said pin a*. . {os The operation of the alternator in straight- ening the toggle-joints, elevating the bed,. pro- ducing the impressions, and Towering the bed Lef it be supposed : that the machine is in motion, and that the ~crank £*, Fig. 7, by means of the pitman, has: ~ thrown the alternator forward 'toward the toggles until the part indicated by the dotted line #, Fig. 1, has arrived as far as the center . of the friction-roller ;". The side of the mouth of said alternator toward the crank will now . form gcurved inclined plane on one side of the ' main part of the said alternafor, which, con- tinuing to advance, will now act 'against the, rolier », so as to press it forward, somewhat in the manner of a lever- of the second class, (a° being the fulcrum,) and will cause said roller to roll tip the said curved inclined plane until the toggle-joints are brought nearly into line with each other, and the impression. is produced. The instant the impression will have been thus produced the crank f* will have passed its line of centers and will begin to draw back the alternator, which, by a re- verse action against the friction-rolier :*, will bring the toggle-joints and the bed -in proper time to their places of rest, as seen in Fig. 1. 'That part of this alternator from b° to & is formed as an are of a circle whose center is in the fulcrum a* of the alternator. | Its office is ° to keep the toggles and bed down steady in their places during the time when 'the types aro being inked by the inking-rollers. & is a slide, which isembedded in a groove, &, made in the side of the alternator g' in such manner as to allow of it being slipped up against the pin 2", so. as fo raise said pin out of the depression of the slot in the upper part of the alternator, in order that when the pitman is thrown forward said pin shall slip through the remaining or curved part of the slot,; and thereby in order to prevent an im- pression being produced allow the alternator ta stop short of the place it is carried to when This slide is op- erated by means of two arms or levers, affixed to the two ends of a' rocker-shaft, **, (see dotted lines in Fig. 6,) one end of which has a bearing in the box #, Fig. 6, and the other end a bearing in the hole K, Fig. 3; made in the side of the frame. The arm f* at one end of said shaft has a friction-roller, F, ° affixed near to its outer end. . Said shaft is so placed as to bring said. friction-roller under the curved part m* of said slide. - The arm /* on the other end of, said shaft should be made | of the necessary length and shape to bring its outer end into close proximity with the foot of the person who may be employed to lay the sheets on the tympan. - When it may be necessary to prevent an impression, such per- son may with the foot upor the outer end of said arm depress it so as raise the said fric- tion-roller against the said quryed part of T¥45 x vos 16. _ _ > ee said alide, and thereby elevate the said slide and the pitman, so as to cause said pin a" to pagds into the upper part of the slot, as afore- n', Fig. 1, denotes one of two or more spi- ral springs, which are made to counterbalance the weight of the bed and the forms of types. They rest at the bottom upon a sort of frame, v*, the rock shaft or bar p%, which constitutes one side of said frame, fornting a rocker-shaft with gudgeons at its ends, which rest in bear- . ings g'.q', Figs. 2 and 3, made on the sides of the frame pf the machine. This frame 0% is . connected, by the arms *, projecting from each end 'of the rock-shaft, with two vertical connecting-rods, one of which is .seen -at #, the two upper ends of which are jointed to- two corners of the bed. The upper ends of the said springs are made bear against a cross- bar, -#, jointed to the ends of two levers, one of which is seen at «', Fig. 1, extending, re- spectively, from fulcra fixed to the bed. The pin of the upper joint of the upper toggle passes through both of theselevers. © By means of this device the toggles are held up against - their bearings on the under side of the bed in - such manner as to allow the wedge ¥, through the action of a screw, a* to be drawn out or forced in between the bed and the piece w', - which constitutes a bearing for the said pin, the same being for the purpose of lessening or increasing the impression by lessening 'or increasing the distance between the upper joint of the toggles and the face of the bed upoh which the form of types rests. ¥ ¥ y f, Kigs. 1 and 24, are wheels, whica sustain the platen upon the horizontal rail- ways formed of the upper edges of the two side pieces, Figs. 2 and 3, of These wheels, which sustain the platen, sre fixed to the ends of shafts 2z*#, which have journals in bearings at a' «' a' a', Fig. 24. The office of said shafts ara wheels is to serve 'as a carriage, by which the platen may be easily moyed from over the form of types and: back when such form is to be changed or an- ather put on; or for any other purpose. The parchmeint tyi~pan is secured to the face of the platen by means of a frame, D', Figs. 1 and 24, which is made to surround the edge of the platen, ang is secured in its place by glide-boits or othe proper contrivances. The blanketing is put within this tympan and be- _ tween the parchment and platen. The tympan-sheet , Fig. 25, consists of a long sheet of paper ur other suitable mate- rial, which is to be rolled up on 'a roller, c', Figs. 24 and 25, which roller is suspended by its journals in bearings attached to one side of the platen. From this roller the end.of the sheet is taken and passed under the platen, so as to cover that part which the types are to be pressed against when an impression is produced, and secured to another similar rol!- er, 6, situated at the other edge of the platen, said roller e' being susper ded by its journals in bearings, which rest on springs a" and are . jointed to the platen at 5". - The said springs are for the purpose of causing the rollers to take up any slack which may occur in conse: quence of a stretching 'of the sheet, and also to allow of the rollers conforming to any dif- ference of length which there: may be in the two edges of the said sheet. 'These rollers, to- gether with the parts connected with them, con- : stitute a convenient device by which the tym- pan-shéet is well secured over the face of the platen and easily and quickly exchanged from place to place whenever that part of it against which the impression may. be produced may be- come soiled. When a place on said tympan has become soiled, the rollers c' e' are to be turned in such manner as t§ unwind the tympan-sheet from one roller, and to wind up the soiled part of said sheet on the other roller. Thus a clean | part of said tympan-sheet may be successive- ly drawn over the face of the platen, accord: ing as circumstances may require. When said sheet has been drawn smooth by said rollers, they are secured from turning back (so as to unwind or loosen said tympan-sheet) by means .of pawls £" £", (c= other suitable means, ) said pawls being affixed to the platen and respect- ively dropped mto the teeth of the ratchet- wheels g' ¢, fixed on the ends of the said roll- ers. to - Fig. 25 is a separate proijsction of the tym- pan-sheet and the rollsrs c' e' for operating it. N' n' are handles, oy which said rollers may De turned around. - The ends of the sheet are seenred to said rollers by putting each of them into a groove, c' and e', Fig. 1, (made along in the side of each of the said rollers,) ani afterward pressing a rod into each of the said grooves, so as to wedge and confitie the said sheet to the rollers. il - - In Fig. 1, ¢ denotes a movable table, which. stands on and above the platen, and may be unshipped at will by the operator, and is in- tended to receive the heap of paper from which the sheets to be printed are to be suc- cessively. removed. The sheets, after they 'have been printed, are successively separated and laid upon a table, as follows: 20s _ In Fig. 1, & denotes the frisket. It consists of a square frame made of thin iron, and cov- ered with strong paper or other suitable ma- terial in such manner as to leave suitable spaces for the pages of types to project through in order to produce an impression on any sheet which may lie upon said frisket. This frisket reats on the top of the frisket-carriage, and is kept in its plare by means of steady- ping, which ought to be so put into said frisket and carriage as to allow said frisket to be moved up and down a little in its place, and also to allow of its being easily removed from the carriage. Successively after each of the impressions have been produced on the sheets of paper the frisket holds the said sheets up while the types are allowed to sink down, and thus said frisket (together with the nippers, which at the time hold onto the sheet) from the types and removed from the press 10 _ | . 116 serves to overcome the adhesion of the ink, _- and to separate the sheets from the type, this being the beginning of the process of removy- ing the sheets from the press. After each of the sheets of paper has thus been separated from the type, the frisket-carriage begins its motion toward the right-hand end of the ma- '. chine, and each sheet is carried out in a hori- zontal position on said frisket from between the type and platen until it has advanced to a certain position. When this takes place, the forward edge thereof will be elevated by means of ahbellowsfor some equivalent de- vice, in such manner as to allow of its being taken hold of by a system of rollers and: bands. - Rollers or pulleys alone may be made to answer the purpose, whose office is to with- draw successively the printed sheets from the: frisket and present them to the action of an instrument which I call a "fly," which being accomplished the said instrument removes 'the said sheets from said system of rollers and bands and throws them on the pile or table, or other convenience provided for the pur- pose, as follows: Fig. 7 is a detail view of most parts of the "taking-off apparatus as seen in their relative places, the spectator being supposed to be standing at and looking toward the right- "hand end of the machine. > - :- K, Figs. 1 and- 7, denotes a bellows, which is sustained in its place by proper means. Baid bellows has two long slits, F F', or any proper nuinber of holes made through its top board, the same being to allow of the escape ._ of air upward when said beliows is closed, and for theadmission of air when it is opened. This bellows is operated as follows: . __ j - m', Figs. 1 and 7, denotes a transverse rock- er-shaft sustained by its gu geons in proper bearings on the sides of the frame. This rocker-shaft is provided with two arms, 1' r', which extend underneath-the bellows for the purpose of operating it. Said shaft is also provided with another arm, o', which extends in an opposite direction to that of the arms »' n'; and has a friction-roller, p', &ffixed on a screw pin or pivot near to its end. Said roller is for the cam q', which. is affixed to the shaft i, to operate against. -. . tos 1" is another arm, which also extends from the rocker-shaft m' and has a weight, 5, sus- pended from its outer end. The proper shape of the cam q" is indicated in Fig. 1. 'The cam q' being in the position represented in the drawings, the friction-roller -p»* should bear upon said cam at f', in which case the bel- lows would be closed; but in order to show the bellows open in the drawings I have drawn the said friction-roller and the arm to which Jt is attached, as well as the other arms of the rocker-shaft »", in the positions they are car- . ried into when the bellows is opened. Now, let it be understood that the machine is in op- eration, and the friction-roller p' bearing on the cam q', as aforesaid. In such case the cam will operate on said friction-roller, and from side to side of the machine. will communicate motion to it and the arnt o', and by means of said arm o' and the rocker-shaft m' motion will also be commu- nicated to the other arms, »' n' and. ,; so as > -to bring said arms severally into the positions in which they are represented in the draw- ings. The bottom board, ?, of the bellows will follow by its own gravity and descend with the arms n' a' until said bellows is fully open. About this time the most prominent | part of the cam q' will pass in contact with. the said friction-roller p' and leave said roller freeto descend. This being effected, the weight s' will draw- down the arm »", and by means of the said rocker-shaft a' and the arms 'n' will will force up the bottom board, £, and close the bellows, and thereby expel the air swiftly through the slits or holes through the top thereof. . The air in passing up through holes made through the frisket will impinge against the sheet and elevate it sufficiently to allow of its being taken. hold of by- the delivering rollers, as above named.". By turning the cam q' around on its shaft i, either one way or the other, and to such extent as the case may re- quire, and afterward securing the same by means of a set-screw to the shaft, the period. of blowing the bellows may be regulated so as to cause the current or currents of air from it to strike against the sheet of paper at the proper time and place, The said delivering- rollers may be constructed and be made to _ operate as follows: "a' v, Figs. 1, 7, and 26, (the latter figure be: ing an end view of the system of rollers now to be described,) denote two rollers extending , The said rollers have a series of endless bands or tapes (one of which is seen at w', Figs. 1 and 2) running over them in the grooves &¢., Fig' 7‘ tus . - es ¥ z, Figs. 1 and 4, denote two other similar rollers, which have another and corresponding seriesof endless bands, a", runningaround them, and certain grooved pulleys, b° 6%, &c., Figs. 1 and 7, which pulleys are placed on the trans- verse shaft c. . The number of bands may be - .more or less, according to the size of the sheets - the machine may be intended to print. The rollers w' v'.and their bands may be regarded as one set, and the rollers y' #", with their bands, may be regarded as another set of said roll- ers and bands. - The said sets of rollers are ar- ranged in and sustained by a frame, &, as seen in Figs. 1, 7, and 26.. The said frame is sup- ported by two of its corners on the top rails of the press-frame. -Its other two corners are ° supported by pivots e*" in bearings which ad- | mit -of the frame and its rollers being raised _ up into a vertical position, as seeh in Figs. 7 and 26, in order to make room to remove -_- the platen from its position directly over the types. | £5, Fig. 7, denotes an endless band which runs fround a pulley, 9°, on the shaft c', and the roller w', the same being to assist in driv: ing the rollers w v'y'z'.. The pivots of the .> - to i16. shaft ¢ run in beari ngs A/", affixed tothe top edges of the side pieces of the frame of the machine, as seen in Figs. 2 and 3. These bear- ings should be made adjustable. - The said delivering pulleys, rollers, and bands are driv - en or put in motion by means of an endless band, § which runs over the pulley &" on the fly-wheel shaft, and the pulley ? on the shaft ¢. By means of a proper proportion between the diameters of the pulleys k" ? any desirable speed may be given to the. delivering rollers and bands, so as to quickly present the sheets to the action of the fly, to be hereinafter de- scribed, without interfering with the action of other part of the machine. - The operation of the delivering rollers and pulleys and bands is as follows: Supposing 'the machine to' be in . be carrying a sheet out from - between the bed and platen, and that such sheet has arrived at the proper place for it to be elevated by the bellows, as before described, the moment said sheet is so elevated the for- warg movement of. the frisket will cause the sheet to enter between the aforesaid -two sets of rollers and bands, which rollers and bands, as the pulleys on the in motion, will quickly dihaw said sheet from the irisket and present it to the action of the Hy m", Figs. 1 and 27 ; whose construction and operation is as follows: Fig. 27 denotes a top 'view of said fly m*, including the rocker-shaft », to which said Ay is attached, the Spring 0° . on said rocker-shaft, by which the fly is suc- cessively thrown over to lay the sheets on the pile, and the toothed wheel or pinion p§, by means of which the fly is brought back to the proper position for receiving the sheets from the delivering-rollers, 'Baid fly is compesed of the arm or stock q, Figs. 1 and 271, and a series of fingers or prongs, r* :", &c., which project from said stock, as seen in Figs. 1 and 27. Every 'succeeding pair of said fingers ex- cept the two outer should be ecvered with light clot-h/ or other suitable material, as seen in Fig. 27; so as to form a species of web from one finger to the other. - The object of this is to enable the air to act against said webs when and modify or retard . the fly is put in umiotion, the velocity which it would otherwise receive. A friction-spring, $, Fig. 27, is made to co- operate in the same object. - 'This it does when the fly is thrown over by sliding along against 'a sort of curved and stationary cam or in- clined plane, ?, attached to the frame of the press, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 7. When the fly is in its proper position for re- ceiving the sheets, as shown in Fig. 1 and by the dotted lines in Fig. 7, the several endless bands of the lower set of rollers enter the spaces x" #", &e., between the fingers. The rocker-shaft n", to. which the fly is at- tached, is sustained in bearings on the top of The winding, "spiral" spring is secured to said means of the collar «° and the set- the front side of the machine: or, as it is sometimes called, 0° on the rocker-shaft »" shaft by action, and the frisket. shaft c, being - | said lever is seen at d, | of sheets. and pulleys | 99945 x screw v'. By means of said collar and set- secured in agy place which may be necessary to adjust or temper the force of the spring to the labor it may h; sively throwing over the fy in order to lay the sheets on the pile. The other end of said spring v' is secured to the press-frame by in- serting it in a hole made in .the side of the collar 2", which collar is held fast by means of the pin y", which projects from it, and is nidde to enter a hole made in the side of the bearing for the journal of the said rocker- The fly s..ould be capable of swinging through an arc of one hundred and eighty de- grees, more or less, as circumstances'nmy re- quire. The rotating cam #", Figs. 1 and 7, operates the vertical lever a', which in 'its turn moves the horizontal slide and rack D*. Said slide-rack gears into and turns the pin- ion p*, and consequent] y the rocker-shaft and fly, to which said pinion is attached, the same being done in such manner as to carry said fly over and into the position it must occupy in order -to receive a printed sheet of paper from the delivering rollers and pulleys here- inbefore described. ~- _C, Fig. 7, denotes a connecting-fed, which | the top end of the by proper joints connects lever a" to the slide-rack 5. 'The fulcrum of Fig. 7. Suid fulcrum may be affixed to a bracket, which may be bolted to any convenient part of the end piece of the press-frame. It is best that this ful- crum be made capable of proper adjustment. On the lower end of thelevera'a friction-roller, &", is placed, it being for the cam z to operate against. _The part of the motion to the lever is seen at f*. The part g° is used to hold the Hy still the proper length of time for the reception of the sheets from the deliverivg-rollers. 'The. part A' is quick turn or falling off in said cam calculated to leave the lever a free from the action of