RE12 | 0000-00-00 | RE000012.pdf | . . BEST AVAILABLE COPY '9 .A _M (5 ‘ Z7rzz::. % _ 4??/2. % _./Pe2Is',5'zzm7 ,5’e/2./4,/839. 3 .- “(Hing . V3,?/2:el,s' -,3/Eat! 7 S'I5'3X :_, :? /57oee£,s’ -5535! 3. ./57 . £7. /Z792//, iiST AVAILABLE COPY 77nz,579. /V‘?/2. /Hezlstzzea’/5’72./.é./695’?- ' " .9-_-- -.- .',-:-,- _ ._ .- 3 . ..-, - . . .. . ._. "' \ ‘ ~ ‘ . ‘A _. .. '_~ . ' .—-‘ _, , UNi5r3‘¥I5 “S*i*A*i"i-is. .- amoscsnann min, on‘ NEW YORK, H. ‘II, assxosns or Jomv F. GRAY, anitnusraaroa or mos G. HULL, nscaasnn. ‘ .' .. n. O% I- V...‘ ,. --1: .*" ..Es’_,r,Av}§i w- **"r ... V. __ . _ ‘ \ u - ._ _ LAM‘-.’ sow 1?AT_EN’_1‘ QFFI_C_E. at . o .- .', |_liP.R;dVEMENT. IN rnussrs ‘ton nu: cunt or raowsusnurrat I . Speci?cation forming. part of Letters Patent dated Bay 1, 1834; Reissue No. I 2, dated September 14, 1839. _' 1'0 all may concern: Be it known that Astos G. HULL, late of the city of New York, deceased, did invent a sur- gical apparatus for the relief and cure of pro- cidentia and prolapsis uteri and other diseases dependent on relaxation of the visceraof the pelvis, otherwise known as “Dr. A. G. Hull's Utero-Abdominal Supporter,” for which in- vention Letters Patent ‘were granted to said Amos G. HULL bearing date the 7th day of " May, in the year 1834. Said Letters Patent were assigned to me, Amos Guano HULL, by Joan’ F. Gnu, administrator of the estate of the said AMOS G. HULL, deceased; and I here- - with surrender the same on account of defect- .ive speci?cation, o?'ering- then following de- scription in amendment thereof: - A surgical apparatus for the cure of fallin of the womb, (or prolapsus procidentia uteri, which nppamtnssaid Amos G. HULLdid malt e and vend by the name of “Utero-Abdominal Supporter.” The inventor of this apparatus discovered that pressure made upon or against , the lower part of the abodon1en,in.manner and - by means substantially the same as herein de- scribed, does always relieve, and very often e?'ec-tnally cure, the malady in females com- monly called “falling of the womb." Before the discovery of this apparatus the malady was treated in the last resort by the introduc- tion of props or blocks into the vagina (pas- ’ sage leading to the womb) to prevent the womb from falling down or from beingpressed down and out through said vagina. These props, however constructed, were called “ pes- - saries.” The pessary irritates the delicate membrane with which it is in perpetual con- tact, sometimes causing in?ammation, ulcera- tion, and even death, and at best it is a merely palliative expedient, tending rather to per- netuate than to cause ‘a removal of the pro- lapsus by distending the vagina and torment-' ing the patient. Hence it occurred that-‘he- fore the date of this invention con?rmed pro- " lapsus was considered incurable, resisting II? - medical treatment, and subjecting the sub- ject of it to the unhappy necessity of wearing _pessaries during the remainderof her days. This apparatus, instead of propping up the womb from below, as the pessary does, has its main pressure abovethe site of that organ, 5: ~ _ ,_, __ ,._,__ . _ ,_. .__ - --I .. --~ A:-*-’.-.'-~~ -'.-.:.-.-‘ 5-._,-2--.--‘. '..:-‘H-.*,-~---'--' '1 . - ;..>. . .-..-'-~.~-..--.~-.-,. r«=.. -- v__ . ... .5, ,3’; ..v. - .- -. . - BA-‘ __ ..o , ' - '.«_f-A'4 ‘ ?ggvgghgigygzogasgic portiotn of the amodin.-$5, e s e inven or suppose y counteracting the depressing forces of the dia- phragm and upper part of the belly torelieve the womb from the weight of the intestines above it, whereby itwas pushed down and ex- %‘ll11dei(1 froin the lowlfr o§tb1etI;1ot‘lt)he peeslssgis. e nven or a sot oug t at y pr ng the hypogastrium obliquely upward and back- ward it might render the peritoneal conned.- ttons of the uterus tense, and thus raise it to E suspend i% in its place by iallifting process. owever ot er surgeons m g t exp ain the principle upon which the apparatus cured the prolapsus} the inventor claimed to be the dis- covelrer o tlae means by which such salutary resu t was e ected. , - ‘ Description of the utero-abdominal an porter: This apparatus consists, in part, 0 3 hypogastric pad, a a a a, Figure 1, made of . such size and shape as to ada t it accurately to all that part of the moving rontwall of the belly lying below a line subtended between the anterior and superior processes of the iliso bones of the pelvis. This sp which de- ?nes the size and shape of the ypogastric pad, is bound below by the pubes, and at the sides by the upright margins of the iliac or hauuch bones. This pad is therefore of an ir- regular cordiform shape, much dilated later- ally, and indented on its lower or pubic mar- gin to correspond to the shape of the upgr .. e line of the pubes, against which it rests. ¥>os1i‘ti-ionaci‘ this pad when applied is exhibited n . ' ' ; - ' ' ~ .- - Thg pad (the hypogastric) is made of 3 thin plate of metal or other suitable material, di- vided near its vertical axis into two wingls?lg ‘- a hinge contrivance, as seen in Fig. 4, w represents the pad-plate of its ordinary size. The object of this hinge contrivance is to give to the inner or belly aspect of the whole pad is form which approaches that of a double in- clined plane, the angle of which double lane - may be increased or diminished to any air- _able or necessary extent with facility, without removing the aaparatus from the patient, by ‘ means hereina r named. The plate of the hypogastric pad may also, in some cases, be made entire without the hinge. The pad- plate, whether hinged or not, is covered with _ '-'."- -t;'."3.'-'2 ..'- .. ~: .v-"- - _---;.. - ' .~..J£-A 5 - ,-~ , -. . 4 ......_v_n_-_ ,. :...-1-.... 6 u,_‘.' .. -Iv . ‘ ture. \ cloth and leather, or either, and waddcd on its inner aspect, so as to make a proper cushion for the belly of the patient. - The utero-abdominal supporter further con- sists of a steel spring, b b, Fig. 1, and a back pad, c, Fig. 1, like the springs and counter- pads ordinarily used ingtrusses for ruptures, in which the spring encompasses one-half the body and the back pad rests on the spine of the patient. The spring is covered with cloth and leather or other suitable material. In front the spring crosses the center of the back or outer surface of the hypogastric ‘ pad, and terminata, as shown at f, Fig. 1, on the left segment or side of it, near the edge. The spring may be made fast at the ‘center of the outer surface of the pad by means of a button-headed mortise, through which it should pass, or any convenient ?x- In some instances it is desirable to make the strongest pressure by the lower or pubic portion of the hypogastric pad. To effect this the rotary _wedge of Amos G. Hull’s truss for varicocele, patented July 5, 1833, may be attached so as to play between _ the spring attachment to the pad and the back of the pad (see Figs. 1, 3, and 4) at. e. In . ' many cases it is found serviceable to make a much stronger pressure than can be con- veniently derived from the spring alone,which may he e?ected by conveying a strap from the ‘ back or counter pad, c, around the side of the body opposite the spring b b to the hypogas- tric pad, making aconiplete elastic belt around _the pelvis, as seen in Fi . 2, where said strap ff is divided into two t iongs, g g, which are made fast by two knobs on the back of said hypogastric pad. _ . '_ This apparatus further consists of a sliding wedge, :1, Figs. 1 and 2, interposed between the right segment of the hypogastric pad and the spring where it covers that part of the pad. ‘The spring being hoop-shaped, and terminat- ing on the left half of the pad, where it presses much the strongest, this wedge equalizes the pressure of the two segments or halves of the pad, and when the vertical hinge in the pad- plate is used, sliding this wed a forward. or backward depresses or elevates t e right wing, segment, or half of the pad, altering the ca- pacity of the inner or belly aspect o the pad to suit the various and changing states of the ’ hypogastric region with respect to plurnpness or convexity; and in case the atient is so ..‘ 2:’ .l‘. ' Ill I . formed as that the front margins o the bunch- 3EST AVAILABLE COPY bones project considerably, as is apt to be the case in prolapsus of long standing, the com- bined e?‘ect of this sliding wedge, the vertical hinge, and the free end of the spring is to sink the right and left margins of the pad a a a :1 below the level of said projecting hannch- bones, making the inner surface of the pad in this case also correspond to the shape of the hypogastric region under the ions attitudes and states of the body. -‘ In very full subjects the pad 7 be applied entire without the hinge. .The apparatus further cons ', in, some cases, of a contrivance for pre& ' the ano- perineal region of the body (pt: eum) up- ward and forward, called “peri-if lstrap,” h In, Fig. 2. The perineal strap ea.) ds from the counter-pad c’, Figs. 1 and 2, to A e hypo- gastric pad, traversing closely the- o-peri- neal region in its course. This stra,A'\ay be made of leather and cloth or other 7 ‘table material, and be fastened to the pad.4 fore- said by knobs or other convenient ti. res. To the inner or perineal aspect of this rap is attached a cushion, s‘, Fig. 2, made of th and coveredwith oiled silk. The cushion ry be about an inch thick at right angles witl. a strap, and it should be of such length and \ attached to the stiap as to press against the space lying between the tip of the os coccdgs-; gis and the fourchette or lower end of th vulva. ‘ What is claimed in the within-described ap- paratus as the invention of the late Amos G. HULL is-— . - The hypogastric pad aaaaand the employ- ment thereof for the cure of pi-olapsus uteri, the same being made and operating substan- tially as herein set forth; likewise the combi- nation of the said hypogastric pad with the spring b b, the sliding wedge d, and-the counter or back pad, c; and also the combination of the perineal strap is h and cushions’ with the hypogastric pad and its appendages, as herein described. - No separate part of this apparatus is claimed A as new except the said hypogastric pad; nor are any of the materials of which the several parts of the apparatus are composed new or claimed as such in this speci?cation. AMOS GERALD HULL." |