Reissued Patent RE15
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RE150000-00-00RE000015.pdfBEST AVAILABLE COPY /1542; iv/725118 A5327/'/7/7/7./27 /"f’c’z;x;rz/542’ 0-at‘ 22, /avg 7’ IJEYERS. PHOTO-UTNOGRAPHU, WASMWIGYON. D. C. BEST AVAILABLE COPY UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MOSES DAY, OF RQXBURY, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN MACHINES FOR SPINNING HEMP, FLAX, AND MANILA GRASS. Speci?cation forming part of Letters Patent dated June '2, 1836; Rcisslle No. I 5, dated Octolr r 22, lc‘3E). To all whom it may concern.- Be it known that I, the undersigned, Moses DAY, of ‘R-oxbury, in the county of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts, have invented, constructed, and applied to use a new and useful machine for spinning hemp, ?ax, and Manila grass, and winding or packing the same on a bobbin at one operation, which ma- chine I call a “ Hemp-Spinner,” a full and ex- act description of the construction and oper- ation of the same being hereto appended, which, taken in connection with the accom- panying drawings,herein referred to,composes my speci?cation. ' The said machine is substantially the same as that for which I obtained Letters Patent, under the great seal of the United States, bear- ing date the 2d day of June, in the year of our Lord 1836. The said former Letters Patent I hereby surrender; for this cause, that I am ad- vised that the same may be inoperative or in- valid, by reason of the former speci?cation of said machine being defective or insuf?cient, and seeming to claim more than Iintended or had aright to claim as my invention, which errors, if they exist, arose from inadvertence or mistake on the part ofindividuals employed by me to prepare the said description. Figures 1, 2, and 3of the accompanying plate of drawings represent my machine. A A A A is the framework, to which the different parts of the machine are attached. B B B’ B’ is a ?ier the sides of which are formed of suitable iron rods or bars, the ends or heads B’ B’ being also of iron. On one side of the ?ier are two small iron pulleys, a a, suitably grooved on their peripheries. The end B’ B’ of the ?ier is represented on a larger scale i11 Fig. 2, and has a circular hole in the _ center, and is ?tted so as to revolve on a shoul- der, D, which is ?rmly ?xed to the cross-bar E, and has on its end a stationary bevel-gear, F. (Shownin Figs. 1 and 2.) The other end of the ?ier is supported by a shoulder resting in a box.on the crossbar G. Each of these shoulders has a bore throughout its length, the one for the passage of the yarn and the other for the passage of the mandrel. Near one end of the ?ier is the capstan H H, formed of iron, and shaped as seen in the drawings. This capstan rests and turns easily on pivots suitably arranged in the sides of the ?ier, and I is caused to revolve by a bevel-gear, I, Figs. 1 and 2, engaging with the bevel-gear F, be- fore mentioned, so that it will readily be per- ceived that the revolutions of the ?ier will im- A part a rotary motion to the capstan in a di- rect.ion at right angles to that of the ?ier. In the bore of the ?xed shoulder on which the end of the ?ier revolves is placed a small tube which revolves with the ?ier, and is of suf?cient diameter to allow the hemp or yarn to pass to the capstan. the shoulder, at the opposite end of the ?ier, a spindle or mandrel, K K, passes, one end of which rests in the box L in the crossbar M, in which it turns, and may move horizontally. At the other end of the spindle the bobbin N N is attached so as to move or revolve with the same. The mandrel is so arranged with the tube of the ?ier that it may revolve with greater or less rapidity, as occasion may re- quire, to enable it to take upthe yarn as the same is twisted by the ?ier. The movement of the mandrel may be regulated by friction applied in any proper manner. Motion is communicated to the machinery by means of steam or other power applied to the drum at T, the axis of which has suitable bearings in the framework. Motion is im- parted to the drum at b by the interposition of the bevel- gears c d, suitably arranged, which, by means of the bands e e, conveys the same to the pulley f on the axis of the ?ier, which drives the ?ier and mandrel. The process of spinning is as follows: Upon a bench or table, 1/ (1, arranged with upright pins or teeth, like those of a common‘hatchel, is laid the hemp or other ?brous material to be spun, the teeth serving to keep the ?bers straight, and also to hold back any surplus quantity which may not be wanted to form the yarn. The hemp passes through one hand ot' the operator, while the other regulates the quantity to be used, and after passing through the tube in the shoulder of the ?ier is wound one or more times round the capstan, (the revolutions of which draw it forward,) the twist being produced by the revolutions of the ?ier as the hemp passes to the capstan. From the capstan the thread is passed over the pul- leys a a to the bobbin N N, on which it is wound or packed, the spindle and bobbin be- ing retarded in the manner above described. Through the bore of - B_EST AVAILABLE COPY 2 1-5 A A reciprocating rectilinear motion may be carry it forward the former serves to straight- imparted-to the bobbin in any of the various en the ?ber and hold the body of hemp back modes adopted in spinning machinery. . until required for use. What I claim as my invention is— In testimony that the above is a true de- 1. The combination of the capstan with the scription of my invention I have hereto set- ?ier in such manner that the revolutions of . my hand this 26th day of August, in the year - the ?ier communicate motion to the capstan, , 1839. as herein described, for the purpose of spin~ ‘ ning rope yarns. ~ MOSES DAY. 2. The combination of the stationary hatchel Witnesses: with the ?ier and capstan, so that while the CALEB EDDY, two latter produce the necessary twist and EZRA LINCOLN, J 1-.