RE26 | 0000-00-00 | RE000026.pdf | aésr AVAILABLE copy P. WILLIAMSON. Railway Cooking Stove. ‘ Reissued Sept. 30. 1840. yr/7w£.s $.66 24. /A/VE/V7.4‘! 2 £59»? (31,: BEST AVAILABLE COPY IMPROVEMENT IN THE MAKING OR MANUFACTURING Ol-"THE PREMIUM RAILWAY COOKING-STOVE. Speci?cation forming part of Letters Patent dated February 16, 1829; Reissue No. 26, dated September 30, 1840. ' - To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, BEREGRINE \VILLIAM- SON, of the city of New York, in the State of New York, have invented an Improved Cook- ing-Stove, which ldenominate the “Premium Railway Cooking-Stove; ” and I do hereby de- clare that the following is a full and exact de- scription thereof. Figure 1 in the accompanying drawings is a perspective view of my railway cooking- stove. . ' In this ?gure A B C D is the box or body thereof, which is made of cast-iron. E E’ is the bottom plate and hearth, the hearth part being of such length and breadth as may be preferred. On the upper part of the back plate there is a collar of the kind usually em- ployed to receive the stove-pipe, as seen at S, Fig. 3. _This collar I make about ten or twelve inches long and about three inches deep. rlt is so made that it may receive ‘a wide ?at sheet-iron pipe, Q Q, the upper side of which I perforate with boiler-holes, in which may be inserted small cooking-utensils, as shown at P I’. The outer end of this pipe is closed, and from it proceeds a common stove-pipe, R. - _Within the upper part of the body of the stove there is a grate, (s_hown at K, Fig. 3;) but in Fig. 1 this is hidden by the front plate, U, which plate is hinged at its lower part, at, to the side plates or to the hearth, so as to admit of it-s being turned up, as in Fig. 1,‘or turned down, as in Fig. 3. In the for- mer case it acts as a blower, and converts the upper part of the stove into a close stove, and in the latter case it lies upon and widens out the hearth. \Vhen up it is held in place by a latch, I), which passes through a mortise madein it for that purpose. The front or upper‘ grate, the bars of which are seen at -K, Fig. 3, may run either longitudinally or verti- cally. This grate rests upon ledges cast on each of the side plates, upon which it may he slid in and out. When the front or blower plate is up,a space of about an inch is left be- tween it and the’ railway or sliding box for draft. V V is the top or removable plate, which ?ts into the top of the stove, and has holes in . it for boilers or other cooking-utensils. \Vhen plate and the upper grate, the removable top ‘ for obtaining an open ?re above as well as in front of the upper grate. 4. The enlarged sheet-iron pipe Q Q, per- forated for cooking-utensils, and connected and combined with the other parts in the man- ner set forth. removed, there is an open ?re for cooking purposes at top as well as in front; or a large boiler may occupy its place; or a coffee-roaster may be placed above the ?re, for which pur- pose notches are castin the end plates, as at d d. The ?re-place may be narrowed by means of cast-iron inovable jambs. (Shown at -1' 7*.) On the hearth-plate I cast ledges or ways, as shown at E W’ E \V, upon which my rail- way-box or lower grate is to run, or by which it may be guided. This railway-box or lower grate is marked F G M L, and is shown sepa- rately in Fig. 2. It has a grate marked a standing horizontally within it, being placed upon ledges, and is elevated three or four ’ inches above the bottom plate. It runs in and out upon the ways E VV E V7, for which purpose I place rollers H L S under it, adapt- ed to run upon or alongside of the ways; or instead of such rollers I employ bearing-pieces on the under side of the box, which slide on said ways or ledges. It is in general intend- ed to use this stove within a common ?re- place; but with the view of readily removing it I place rollers or casters Y Y under its legs. ‘ ’ It is designed to light a ?re in either or in both of the grates, as maybe desired. When a ?re is kindled on the lower grate, within the railway—box, this box may be drawn out and cooking - utensils of any suitable kind placed upon it. Cooking may also be per- formed above as well as in front of the upper grate, and also in the sheet-iron widened pipe behind the body" of ‘the stove. Having thus fully described the manner in which I make and use my railway cooking- stove, what I claim therein as constituting my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Pat- ent, is— ‘ 1. The manner in which Ihave constructed my railway-box or lower grate so as to slide or run in and out upon or by means of ways or ledges formed upon the lower plate of the stove, the whole operating substantially as set forth. 2. The manner of constructing the front or blower plate to rise and fall by means of joints or hinges at its lower part, in the man- ner and for the purpose described. 3.» In combination with the movable front In testimony whereof I hereunto set my name this 6th day of July, 1840. P. VVILLIABISON. YVitn esses: THOS. P. JONES, B. CHAMBERS. .,,,: 3 ‘uh . |