RE37 | 1842-05-17 | RE000037.pdf | A. J. MURRAY. - TOBACCO PRESS. No. 37. -_ Reissued May 17, 1842. UntrED SraTEs PaTENT OrFICE. ALEX. J} MURRAY, OF WEST RIVER, MARYLAND. IMPROVEMENT IN PORTABLE PRESSES FOR PRESSING TOBACCO, COTTON, HAY, &c. SDOCI?‘C?tIOI) forming part of Letters Patent No. 315, dated January 9, 1835 ~ May 17, 1842. To all whom it may "concern: a Be it known that I, ALEXANDER J. Mur: RAY, formerly of Annapohs, but now of West River, in the county of Anne Arundel and State of Maryland, have invented a new and useful Improvement in the Manner of Con- structing Portable Presses for Pressing To- baceo, Cotton, Hay, and other Articles; and I do hereby declare that the following is an amended specification of that upon wlneh Let- ters Patent of the United States were granted to me for the said invention under date of the 9th day of Janumy, 1835, which pfttent has been deemed inoperative from defects in the said specification, and which defects arose from inadvertence and mistake. In my press the power is to be exerted hon zontally, the frame-work consisting of pieces of timber twenty feet (more or less) in length placed in that position, and suppor ted by ver- tical studs of two or three feetin length. I have in the accompanying drawings represented my machine as constructed for the pressing of tobacco, and will so describe it, although it may be applied to the pressing of other arti-. 'cles. When tobaccois to be pressed, one head of the hogshead which is to contain it being removed, it is to be hand-packed in the ordi- nary way until filled.. The hogshead is. to have two, four, or more holes bored through it near its open end for the purpose of receiv- ing one, two, or more rods, which are to be passed through them to prevent the falling out of the tobacto when the hogshead is turned on its side, as it must be, for the purpose of placing it upon the press. Besides filling the in the manner described, I also fill another receptacle, which I denommato a hogshead,'"' that con- sists of a hollow cylinder the internal diame- ter of which is somewhat less than that of the hogshead into which the tobacco is to be packed. This cylinder is to be open at both ends, and it is to have holes bored through it near to each of its ends, in the same manner and for the same purpose with those near the open head of the hogshead-namely, to admit of the passing of rods through them to prevent the falling out of the tobacco with which it is to be filled. -This false hogshead is to be placed vertically, and rods are to be passed through the holes at its lower end. | It is' then to be ; Reissue No. 87, dated _ filled with tobacco in the same manner with. the hogshead, and when so filled the tobacco is to be, confined in place by the passmg of rods thr ough the holes in its upper end. © The hogshead is then to be turned on its side and rolled onto the bed or cradle of the press, which is duly prepared to receive it in a man- ner to be presently described. - The false hogs- head is in like manner to be turned on its side and rolled onto the eradie or bed of the press, so as to have one of its ends to coincide with the open end of the hogshead. - It will be seen that in effecting the object of placing the hogshead and the false hogshead upon the press in a horizontal position while they .are loosely filled with tobacco the use of the rods or of fome equivalent device to retain it in place is essential,. When the hogshead . and false hogshead are thus situated, they are ready for the opgration of the press, the con- struction of which I will now proceed to de- seribe. In the accompanying drawmas Flgure 1 is a side view of my press with the hogshead and false hogshead thereon. Fig..2 is a top view of the same, and Fig. 3 a cross-section there- of in the line a # of Fig. 1 . A A are two longitudinal timbers, which 'constitute the bed or cradle, upon which the hogshead B and the false hogshead . C are to lie, and- these rest upon cross-timbers or ground-sills D D, from which rise vertical studs E E, mortised into them and into the stationary head-blocks or end timbers, F F. 'These end timbers are connected together by side pieces G G, which pass through mortises or gains made in them, and they are secured together by pins or bolts. As these are to bear the strain by tension only, they do not require to be thicker than is necessary to keep them from springing, and I usually sup- port them by a frame at the middle of the press, consisting of a sill, D', two side pieces, a a, and a cap-piece, b. The pressing is to be effected by means of a short serew, H, which is placed horizontally, and has its head bear- ing against a sliding head-block, I, and its screw part passes thxough & female screw or ~nut in the sliding block or cross-timber J. I sometimes employ a third cross-timber orslid- ing block, K, which has a hole bored through it to admit the screw H to pass and revolve 2 ' ~- 37 freely in it, as indicated by the dotted lines. L is a wheel fixed firmly on the head H' of the serew, which is made square for that pur- pose. - This wheel is furnished with pins, by _ which, while the pressure is light, it may be turned by hand. -This wheel I sometimes make of a diameter of eight or ten feet, but it may be smaller and be turned by hard- splkes The cross-timbers I, J, and K have gains or notch- | es in their ends to receive the side pieces G G, and to admit them to slide back and forth. The head H' of the serew works in a box or head c, and it may be further sustained by a collar fastened to the cross-timber I, and bearing against the back of the wheel L, as shown on an enlarged seqle in Fig. 4, “hele d d is such a collar. From the cross- tlmber K, or from that marked J, when the third cross-timber K is not used, W0 pieces of timber, M M, mor-- tised into it, project forward from it, and at their outer ends carry the follower N The timbers M are of such length as to extend en- tirely through the false hogshead, and to en- ter the true hogshead to a distance which will leave a space That may be somewhat'greater than-is necessary for the insertion - of the : head after the packing is completed; buLt it is not required to pass to any conmderable' The false hogshead may be distance within. of sufficient length to fill the True hogshead . ab one operatlon but this is not necessary, as the false lxooshemd may be removed and re- filled at pleasure there being but little elas- ticity in tobaceo to cause it to rise when the pressure is taken off from it. The follower N may, if desired, be made to advance by the turning of the screw H in either direction, and this may be desirable when the press is used for cotton or other elastic substances; but for tobacco it is not required. When iti ls de- sired to effect this, two additional side pieces, - 0 O, and the cross-timber K are employed, the additional side pieces being received with. in the cross-timbers outside of the pieces G G. The manner of fusing them will be presently explained. |