RE44 | 0000-00-00 | RE000044.pdf | 65-268 / / /7/7??/77,7. 5//71; /Z//77/2/A . /Z4255:/ii?zzi. 6,./542. ~..__ / / ////// / // / / //,,/./////Z%/ ////Z//2////2222/2 ..v.....m.w.\ ~,. .. gr" ,.m$1»....;.a.e W. W. H u. u .«HV m. M. Speci?cation forming part of Letters Patent dated April 21, 1532; Reissue No. 44 dated August 6, 1842‘. To all whom it may c0nce7'n.- , Be it known that I, JOHN J. ADAMs, late of the city of VVashington, District of Colum- bia, now residing in the town of Winslow, in the county of Gloucester and State of New Jersey, have made an Improvement in the Pro- cess of Flattening and Tempering Window- Glass, which is described as follows: First. The walls inclosing the revolving plat- form for ?attening the glass are made circu- lar, one inner, G, and one outer wall, H, of ' such diameters as to leave a space between r J," them of about three feet (more or less) in the clear. They are built of brick or stone. Fire- arches I or ?nes are made through the outer wall for the admission of fuel. One opening is left near the top of the outer wall for the stick-hole J, through which the glass cylin- ders are entered. Two other openings atéthe same height as the former are left for ?atten- ing mouths K, and at proper distances for op- eration. A fourth opening, L, is left near the cooling-apartment for laying off the glass from the aforesaid revolving platform on the cool- ing or tempering apparatus.‘ An arch, U, springing from the outer and inner wall, closes the hole on the top, covering the several apart- ments for ?attening, &c. , Secondly. A circular railway of cast-iron, -M, of about seven feet diameter, furnished either with a groove or a ?ange, is laid down nearly even with the base of the walls and be- tween them. This railway receives the car- riage N and the revolving ?attening-platform 0, next described. . Thirdly. The revolving ?attening-platform O is made with a cast—iron ring, V, furnished on its under side with a groove or a ?ange, X, similar and corresponding to the one on the railway above described. Between the two grooves or ?anges are placed three wheels or rollers, Y, of cast—iron, and of about one foot diameter, and at equal distances from each other. These wheels or rollers support the revolving platform, wh’2h' is fastened to the aforesaid cast-iron ring, gaised to the proper height for operation—-say about four feet——by means of armsW between the p1atform‘and the cast-iron ring. The platform is cast with arim of cogs, Z, on its outer periphery and on its under side, and is of such size as to admitgof any given number of ?attening-stones, P, which ,1“ ’ is at the option of the operator. A cog-wheel or pinion, a, is placed near the stick-hole, the cogs of which mesh into those of the rim on the under side of the platform, and its shaft’ protrudes through the outer wall, where a crank and handle, I), is attached to it. Fourthfy. The cooling apparatus consists of two straight walls, Q, of about thirty feet length and three feet width, covered by an arch, c, of the same height as the one over the revolving platform. Under this arch and be- tween these walls are placed a number of plates, T, on two endless chains, S, which re- volve over two or more drums. These plates are for laying the glass on when it comes off the ?attening-stones on the platform, and to convey it off as the plates become full. For this purpose a crank, (Z, is attached to the end of one of the drum-shafts. Any other known mechanical movement may be substituted for the endless chains, drums, &c., so as to produce a perpetual tem- pering oven or arch, as is intended by the in- ventor, norstoppage occurring from the piles becoming full. Operation: The cylinder of glass is shoved through the stick-hole and put on one of the intermediate spaces to heat. The ?attening- platform is then turned, by means of the crank and cog-wheel above described, till another space presents itself in front of the stick-hole. This brings the ?rst-mentioned cylinder of glass in a line with the ?rst ?attening-mouth. The glass is then laid open upon the ?atten- ing-stone. The platform is again turned till the ?rst cylinder on the ?attening-stones comes in a line with the second ?attening-mouth, where it is ?attenedout. This movement also brings the third space in a line with the stick- hole. The platform is then again turned an-' other space, which brings the,?rst cylinder into the cooling-apartment. As soon as, by turning the platform, three sheets of glass are in the cooling-apartment, then the ?rst sheet is placed upon the ?rst cooling-plate. When the ?rst cooling-plate is ?lled, then the end- less chains, or any other known mechanical- contrivance substantially the same preferred for that purpose by the operator, is set in mo- tion and moved the space of one plate, and so on till the whole process is gone through. This above speci?cation bears reference to 4-1 I -1133?‘; the restored model and drawings herewith sub- mitted. ' The invention herein claimed, and desired to be secured by Letters Patent. is——— The revolving series of ?attening-stones on the rotary platform, and the moving cooling apparatus, on which the glass is laid down to l temper, iifsteacl of being set up in stationary piles, as formerly done, the whole of the above speci?ed apparatus constructed and operating substantially in the manner and on the prin- ciples hereinabove set forth. ~ JOHN J. ADAMS. Witnesses: J AMES S. HALL, . FRANCIS BENNE. .. - . |