RE50 | 0000-00-00 | RE000050.pdf | 40. WIRE-WORKING, 7 1 A5’/fr:/'/, ,0 £1451 /?/7/'///kw/2 _?2/17/7y /74%/z/c7/:2"/i’5’m,’.¢ ]7"'=’5a /5?:/gm:/ea’ ,f_’z7z/wa, /4% .2 r4.FE|'ERu, PHOTO-UYHOGRAPHER. wnsnmamu. n C. ~..\.H.U 5 M . \ J . A J . g 1 ; «M .2 9 ‘- lg»;-/7' ;/¢/?’/,7 .2Ziz'za; 77 .//Z’£?j'/W;/7’ /,2?/as-:»:>‘ :/?fc”c?2".“ _/i’5_;‘;;4z=a’.,g” ,7 2,1,, /M J’. 4.54 .23.: »\§....e ,.\>~.\~ 3 3K u N» 5;‘ 2 mi . .2 mix \: .,,.< t ER .. . WM 3. 3 33.» xx «wk 2 ‘$§..~ 11 . \ EV MPETERS. PHOTO-UTHOGFIAPHER. wnsnmaron, D c UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JEPTHA A. VVILKINSON, OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. IMFROVEMENT IN MACHINES FOR MAKING WEAVERS’ REEDS BY POWER. Speci?cation forming part of Letters Patent dated July 17, 1835; Reissue No. 50, dated April 22, 184.5. To all whom it ma-y concern.- Be it known that I, JEPTHA A.VVILKINsoN, - of Providence, Rhode Island, have invented an Improvement in Machines for Making .VVeavers’ Reeds by Power, of which the fol- ‘ lowing is a speci?cation’. — PI(m,.1. Plan 1 represents the individual parts and plan of the original reed-machine. Figure 1 represents the side view of the wood- en framework of the machine put together with joint-bolts; a, drivingshaft; 22, main shaft with cog—wheels, pulley, and straps. Fig. 2 represents an end View of the wooden frame-work. Fig. 3 represents a perpendicular view of the framework. Fig. 4 represents the foundation of the iron frame-work, upon which the inner part of the movements of ‘the machine are placed. Fig. 5 represents a side View of the iron frame-work seen under Fig. 4. Fig. 6 represents a perpendicular Vl€W of the upper part of the iron framework with the stud, ?ier, and screw-wheels. at a, stud- wheels; I) b b b, ?ier-wheels; c c, screw-wheels; dd, holes for the reception of two upright pillars forming the bearings of the horizontal shaft c, (seen at c, Fig. 7 ;) 6, hole or step of the upright shaft I), (seen at b, Fig. 7 ;) f f, slides to move the graduating-screws out or in, as may be required to accommodatethe move- ment of wheels of greater or less diameter in making ?ne or coarse reeds. Fig. 7 represents a side view of the upper iron frame-work, exhibiting the position of the ?ier-wheels, studs, and shafting, connect- ed as they move in the machine; a, end ofthe main shaft; b, upright shaft; c, horizontal shaft; cl cl, stud-wheel shafts in the position they communicate with the ?ier-wheels; e e, ?iers and wheels in the position they stand in the machine when operated on by the stud- wheels d d; ff, position and end of the feed- ing-rollers as they stand to work in the ma- chine; g, Weight by which the upper feeding- roller is held down, so as to press upon the wire, and thereby enable the lower roller to force the Wire forward into the machine. -72, represents a hook by which the Weight g is suspended and made to bear upon the upper feeding-roller, f. 2' represents- a pillar by which the weight of the upper part of the iron framework is supported. There are two of these pillars—-one on each side ofthe machine. Fig. 8 represents the different parts em- ployed to regulate the action of the ?iers upon the dent, and the passage of the wire into the reed; a a a a, steps of the ?ier-noses; b 12, steel boxes let into the block e, through which the dent or wire passes under the end of the ?ier, and which forms the bed-shear for separating the wire into dents as it advances into the machine. ff are counterparts to the boxesb b, let into the block 9 in such manner as to con?ne or tighten the ?iers, as may be re- quired by the action of a Windlass-screw. (Seen at la, la.) 2' represents a block for sup- porting the lower end of the back set of ?iers, resting upon and fastened to the sills It It, the same as the blocks 3 _r/, by screws; 75 k, sills upon which the blocks e, 9, and i are placed and supported in the machine; ll ZZZZ, screws holding the upper to the lower part of each block on the sills L; m, hole through block g to admit the passage of the pitrnan-head and wedge in their action upon the gages 0 0; mt, square pieces of steel or metal placed in a groove upon the lower part. of and coveredby the block g, extending from the gage 0 o,when in their place between the blocks g and z‘, to the ' wedge on the pitman-head in its operation in the opening m, block g; o 0, gages or slides to conduct the wire or dent from the ?rst to the second set of ribs, sent out and in by the braces 7b a and the action of aspring; pppppppp, small oblong square pieces of metal ?tted into the ends of the blocks e, g, andi by four screws, (seen at r_/ q q (1,) as fulcrums to the levers, (seen at It It klc, Fig. 11, and at g, Fig. 12,) in their action in the machine; 7- r, top and side View of the back set ‘of-?ier-blocks; s s, top and side View of the lower part of same. exhibit the groove in the lower part of the block, in which the end of the sliding gageso 6 move; 1- 1', top and side view. of the blocks employed to hold the two upper portions of theback set of ?ier-blocks in their place on the sills 7:2 '12 v, screw employed to hold the block fast upon any required part of the sills kk, which may be seenagain in its proper position in the block at n, Fig. 9. ion; repre- sent the two feeding-rollers connected as they stand in the frame of the machine; m :0 as x, the tt. (L parts which come into contact with each other and move the dent or wire into the machine; 1/, hook placed upon the upper feeding-roller to keep it down; 5, weight suspended by the hook y to keep the upper feeding-roller down during its action upon the dent, as may be seen at Fig. 9, where the feeding-rollers are repre- sented at It hin aproper position to act upon the wire and send dentsinto the machine. 1 rep- resents a place cut in the upper feeding-roll- er to receive the hook _7/, and here the rollers are represented in position to act. 2 2 repre- sents the top and side view of the block e. 3 3 represents the top and side View of the coun- terpart seen under _r/. 4 represents the lower part of the same. 5 5 represents the place on which the end of the sliding gages 0 0 move. 6 represents the lower part of the back ?ier- block in the position it lays under the gages 0 o. - Fig. 9 represents a side view of those por- tions ot' the machine exhibited under Fig. 8 in connection with the feeding -rollers, &c.; a, sill upon which the blocks and their parts rest; b b, nuts to con?ne the ends of the sills in the stronger frame-work of the machine, as » seen at Fig. 5; c c, screws passing through the ends of the blocks; d (Z d cl, braces, (seen un- der Fig.8 at letters 19 p p ppppp); eee, front and back ?ier-blocks, (seen at e, g, and i, Fig. 8;) ff, screws serving in this place as fulcrums to the levers, (seen at It la la k, Fig. 11;) g, tube or conductor for the dent, (more plainly seen immediately before the feeding- ing—rollers under Fig. 8.) The wire passes from the feeding-rollers directly through these tubes under the end of the ?ier between the ribs oilthe reed; h h, upper and lower feeding- rollers; Ii, bevel-wheel which turns upon or carries the lower feeding-roller; Ic, vertical shaft connected with the main shaft and com- municating motionto the lower feeding-roller; Z, main shaft in position to communicate mo- tion to the feeding-rollers; m,weight employed to keep the upper rollerdown upon the wire; 72., hook whereby the weightis suspended to the feeding-rollers; o,wire rim on which the rings of wire for dents are placed. Fig. 10 represents the manner in which the main shaft is brought to act upon the ?iers in giving them an endwise movement; a, main shaft; lb, cam; c, stirrup attached by a strong ‘ screwto the end of the lever d; e, pitman con- necting the upper lever, g, with the lower le- ver, (Z; f, wedge and pitman calculated in its operation upon the two pieces of metal (seen under it n between the gages o 0, Fig. 8,) to move the gages 0 0 out, to form abridge or passage for the dent from the ?rst to the sec- ond set of ribs; g, upper lever calculated to act upon the ?iers through the agency ofthe pitman-heads It It and levers is It It It‘, Fig. 11. The pitman-heads It h argrpierced with square ; holes of sufficient size to eceive and operate upon the ends of the levers; t’, pillar for sup- porting, as a fulcrum, the end of the lever g,- k, support or fulcrum _of the lever d. Both 50 the pillar 2' and fulcrum k are fastened to the wooden frame-work of the machine by nuts or screws. Fig. 11 represents the top view of diagram Fig. 10; a, main shaft; 12, pulley or driving- wheel; c c, cog-wheels for operating upon the feeding-rollers and ?iers through the agency of the shafts I) c and studs (Z d, (seen under ' Fig. 7,) and is (seen under Fig. 9;) (2, square for the application of a crank to turn the ma- chine; e e, bearings; ff, springs for raising the ?iers afterbeing depressed by the cams and levers, as represented at b d e f 5/ /2, Fig. 10; g, stirrup upon which the cams are brought to bear; IL, screw showing the manner of at- taching the stirrup to the lever t‘, which is here represented in position to act upon the subordinate levers and the ?iers; jj, pitman- heads (seen at /Z h, Fig. 10;) /Z It It It, levers for moving the ?iers up and down to cut the dent; Z, pitman-wedge (seen at_f, Fig. 10;) in, screws of same; 7% 7L n in, transverse section of the ?iers in the levers, held in the position they are made to act in their collars by the small screws which enter the collars at right angles from the opposite sides of the levers, as seen at T7‘ rrrrrr; oo, pillar—head or fulcrum ofthe levers d and g, Fig. 10; 19 q, screws upon which those parallel levers bear. Fig. 12 represents the lever in position be- tween the ?iers; a., thelever; bb, pitman-heads; c c c c, ?iers inthewheels; ee, ?ierslying hori- zontal, one of which is represented in its le- ver;ff, ?ier-wheels; g, levers ?xed upon one of the ?iers as it is adjusted when in the ma- chine for action; h, ring or collar ?xed upon the end of the ?ier for the reception of the le- ver-screws, and the movement of the ?ier up and down by the action of the superior lever a. A hole in one side of this collar shows the point where the screws of thelevers enter these collars, so as to hold the collar and govern the endwise movement of the ?ier. iis atop View of the collar 71. j is a side view of the outer shell or case ?xed on the nose or lower end of the ?ier, calculated to follow the ring 71., and to be fastened to the ?ier by a small screw, which may be seen and more readily under- stood by reference to the diagram under I; at the right, where at Z the screw is shown in the part of the shell where it is placed to fasten this case to the body of the ?ier, which» is made to go onto the end of the ?ier as far as the ?rst shoulder indicated on the naked end of the ?ier 6, when the shell is intended to stop and be ?rmly ?xed to the shaft or body of the ?ier by the lastly-described screw Z. The collar seen at ht’ is intended to occupy the space between the ?rst and second shoulder upon the shaft of the ?ier, and, as may be seen, is so calculated as to be perfectly free and to turn round, or rather stand, in the le- ver g, while the ?ier in the collar performs its revolution. All the ?iers, collars, shells, &c., are made uniform. ' Fig. 13 represents a set of braces made to enter between the ribs and go down between I. VVlHL.-VVUr\r\u1uI 1 D. 50 _ 3 them through the body of the ?iers, so as to I ribs of the reed; e, screw for holding the box keep the ribs asunder and admit of a free ?rmly in itsplace and to regulate the pressure passage for the dent into the reed. Fig. 14 represents the carriage of the ma- chine; a a, side of the wooden frame-work; b b, head and foot blocks, made also of heavy pieces of plank and bolted together; (3 c c c, joint-bolts; dd, graduating-screws, by which, the carriage is let down; e e, wheels called the “screw-wheels,” by the operation of which in connection with the ?ier—wheels, the move- ment of the carriage is regulated and the ?ne- ness ofthe reed determined; ffff, ribs which are made to pass through the ?iers and receive the dents and band which form the reed; 9 g g g, st-retchers for taking hold of and d mwing the ribs tight during the action of the machine; It It, ring and bolt for the application of a cord to raise the carriage when the machine is placed in order for commencing work upon a reed. Fig. 15 represents the top of the carriage. (Seen under b, Fig. 14.) Fig. 17 represents a transverse section of the box employed in the wheel upon the screw to govern the movement of the carriage; a, side of the box standing upright. without the dies or female screws seen at c c c 0 below, and in their place at d d, where a horizontal trans- verse section of the box is seen, exhibiting the manner in which those dies or female screws are brought to bear upon the threads of the graduating-screw and keptin their place dur- ing their action in the machine by a hoop-like v form of the screw—wheels e 6. On the side of the box may be seen a key or small rib, which is intended to hold the wheel and prevent it turning upon the box when the screw-wheel is put in motion by the ?ier-wheels and acorre— spending movement of the box required, by which arrangement the movement of the car- riage and ribs is effected, and by the differ- ence made in the number ‘of teeth employed ’ in the screw the ?neness of the reed is de- termined. - ' Fig. 18 representsa ?ier of the full size with a transverse section of the ?ier-wheel as it is ?xed onto the head of the ?ier by a set-screw; a, ?ier-shaft ; b, collar; 0, nose or shell fast-' ened by the small screw at c; (Z (Z, conductors for carrying the band from the bobbins to the ori?ce g on its way under cover of the shell to the point of the ?ier h; 9, section of the ?ier- wheel; f, set-screw to hold the wheel on the top of the ?ier; g, passage for the band. Fig. 19 represents an inverted end view of the ?ier; _r/, ori?ce where the banding comes out. ’ Fig. 20 represents also an inverted end view of the ?ier in the die and box, which form the step or support of the end of the ?ier when in action in the machine; a, ?ier; b, shell or nose; c, die forming the bed-shear, which, with the circular edge of the shell, separates the dent from the wire; (Z, box or brace to keep the ?ier steady against the die in cutting the wire, and revolving to wind the band round the of the revolving (shell on the ?ier) with the cutting-edge of the die c or bed-shear; f, face of the die; g, hole through which the wire passes and in which it is separated by the action of the ?ier into dents. ’ Fig. 21 represents the machine all together, as it appears in actual operation; (1, end of the main shaft; b, upright; 0, horizontal, (seen at (Z b 0. Fig. 7;) dd, end wheels; e e, upper ends of the ?iers, (seen at (Z (Z and e c, Fig. 7;) ff, levers, (seen at 7; It It 1.‘, Fig. 11;) g g, levers, (seen at (Z ,r/_. Fig. 10;) /I, shaft for driving the feeding-rollers. (seen at 1.‘. Fig. 9;) 2‘ z‘, feed- ing-rollers, as seen at h It, Fig. 9; /6 k, gradu- atingscrews, (seen at d din the carriage, Fig. 14;) Z Z, bobbins containing banding for wind- ing the reed. in represents a piece of reed, made by the act ion of the machine. a repre- sents thc windlass, by which the carriage of the machine is raised; 0, rope or cord em- ployed; p, pulley attached to a beam; (1, ring, illustrating the manner of fastening the cord to the head of the carriage. Fig. 22 represents the position of the wire rims for supplying the reed with dents; a, wire rim, from which the wire may be seen extend- ing by a’ to the machine. Fig. 23 reprrsents an end view of the ma- chine. ' (Illustrated under Fig. 21.) Fig. 2-1 represents a scale of inches, upon which the drawings under Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,‘ S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, and 23 are made. The diagrams under Figs. 17, 18, 19, and 20 represent the full size of those parts employed in the machine. Having now described the different parts of the original reed—machine, and shown how they are connected and stand for operating upon the reed, I will show how those parts are put together. The iron frame-work seen under Fig. 5 is ?rst set upon the wooden frame seen under Fig. 3, when the other parts of the iron frame seen under Fig. 6 is mounted and fast- ened upon the top of the pillars standing upon the lower bars of the iron frame. The differ- ent parts illustrated under Fig. 8 are then put together as they stand upon the sills 76 k, and appear in connection under Fig. 9, and placed upon the frame under Fig. 5, where they are fastened to the strong bars,as there represented by nuts screwed to the descending ends of the sills upon the under side of the strong iron , frame.‘ The upper part of the frame of iron- work, together with the shafting, ?iers, and gear, as represented under Fig. 7, being placed upon the bea.rings of the several parts, and in connection with the main shaft seen at b and driving-wheel a, Fig. 1, the carriage, in con- nection with the graduatipg-screws, wheels, stretchers, &c.. as represented under Fig. 14, is mounted. The wire reel being placed, as represented, under Fig. 22, the ribs through the ?iers and bobbins of banding, as "repre- sented at Z Z, Figs. 21 and 23, the machine is ready for action. I should, however, in this ‘\"i ‘c J C) plan, show that the band, before starting the machine, is taken from the bobbin, passed over the conductors on the ?iers, and through the passage under the shell in the ?ier, and made fast to the ribs in the ?iers, which are drawn tight by the nuts upon the stretchers, as represented at 9 _r/, Fig. 14, and illustrated with a portion of the reed under in, Fig. 21. The ribs and the carriage standing in an ele- vated position above the machine, the two wheels seen at e e, Fig. 14, with the two boxes and sets of female dies, as represented at a I) c cl, Fig. 17, being placed upon the graduatingscrews, the carriage is ready to move with the ribs. The wire from the rim seen at a, Fig. 22, being placed upon the lower feeding-roller, and the upper roller un- der the Weight placed upon the wire, the ma- chine is started, and as the main shaft re- volves it carries in its revolution the vertical shaft Z2, the horizontal shaft c, studs cl cl, and ?iers e e by the action of the ?rst bevel-wheel on the main shaft. The second bevel-wheel on the main shaft, gearing into the inclined shafth, operates, through the bevel-gear on the upper end, upon the lower feeding-roller, 2‘, effecting the movement ofthe wire. cl, the up- per feeding-roller, by which means the dent is carried into the machine. The cams (seen at b, Fig. 10,) in the revolution of the main shaft, operates upon the stirup at the end of" the main lever d, (seen at Fig. 10,) carrying the two pitmen e f, and the lever g, Fig. 10, with the four flier-levers It It 7: Ir, (seen at Fig. 11,) with the ?iers in their endwise movement, which effects the cutting of the dent from the wire, while the revolution of the ?ier carries the band round the ribs of the reed. The screw-wheels being in gear with the ?ier- wheels at the same time the winding opera- tions are going on, the movement of the car- riage and ribs is necessarily effected, and con- sequently the wire is cut into dents, placed in the ribs, and wound by the ?iers upon a graduated scale at one operation. I shall nowproceed to describe my improve- ments on the reed-machine, and to point out the manner in which those, improvements are applied for the manufacture of weavers’ reerls. Plan 2. Figure 1 represents a front View of the ma- chine. Fig. 2 represents a side view asit ap- pears when operating upon a reed. Fig. 3 represents a side elevation of the movements of the machine connected as they stand in the frame when supported by the steps, and the other ?gures show some of the details. 6 and 7, Fig. 7; 4, 5, a11d 6, Fig. 12; 5, 6, 7, and 8, Fig. 13; 3, 4, 5, G, and 7, Fig. 14; 1 and 2, Fig. 19, together with 1 and 2, Fig. 21, ex- hibit the parts upon an enlarged scale, and it will be found that the same letters are used to denote the same parts wherever they are em- ployed. The machine consists of the main shaft a, placed upon the frame 13 parallel with and near to the ?iers (Z d,with which the main cog 0 to communicates through the agency of the wheel c, as may be seen in 1 and 2 plans, Fig. 19. Figs. 4, 5, and 6 exhibit a front, side,'and back view of the machine-frame. The Wheel 0, being surmounted by a small pinion, corn- municates with the graduating-screw through the agency of wheel f and box K, (seen upon the graduating-screw 37,) resting upon the cap I at the head of the pillar on the base-plate 0. 6 represents a wheel placed between the pin- ‘ion 0 and graduating-screw wheel f for com- municating motion. Consequently the move- ment of the graduating-screw wheel f with box K and screw g, together with the head and foot blocks a v, and ribs ac cc, attached thereto by jaws w w, is effected at the same time the ?iers are revolving. B, the action of the main cog u, and by the movement of the cam Q q oper- ating upon the pin 7', the governor m is car- ried up and down, and consequently the ?iers cl d, held by the collars S S in the governor, receive an endwise movement- at the same time they revolve, sufficient to separate the dent by the cutting-edge of the ?ier in the box B from the supplying piece of wire. Thus by the action of the main cog 20 and the cam q Q the ?iers are made to perform the operation of cutting off the dent, and winding the band round the ribs of the reed, and it will be observed that while the ?iers are thus made to move the box K is carried round the graduating-screw g by the movement of the gear f, e, and 0, connected with the operation of the wheels of the ?iers, and the graduating- screw with the ribs of the reed, are made to move through the machine. It will also be further observed that by the action of the gov- -ernor m the movement of the small lever 9:, bearing upon the lower feeding-roll, is effect- ed. The movement of the main shaft ct with the lower (bevel) wheel, S, operates upon the upper feeding-roller. b, and the upper feed- ing-roller effects the positive movements of the lower feeding-roller, b, by the connecting- gear placed upon the shaft both of the upper and lower feeding-rollers, as is represented at t t, by which arrangement, the wire is carried into the machine. _ On reference to the skeleton View of the ma- chine under Fig. 3, the connection of the le- Vern by a spiral spring to a small arm at- tached to the lower end of the governor, and the manner in which this lever is brought to bear upon the lower feeding-roller, b, will be seen, and where the fulcrum 19 is also repre- sented in position for giving support to the end of the lever. On further reference to 3, Fig. 8, the form of both the arm and lever may be seen. By the action of the governor m upon the lever n and the application of a screw for the fulcrum, as seen in the diagram at )9, Fig. 3, the lower feeding-roller can at any time, even during the operation of the machine, be brought up to bear upon the wire with any requisite degree of pressure for carrying the I1 VVIHI:-VVUr‘Ir\IIVu, ‘ .._.« 5 0 ' 5 wire into the machine. The fnlcruinp, being a screw, is made to pass through the brace F, where it is con?ned in any required position by the windlass-nut G, as seen under Figs. 1 and 2, and at 3, Fig. 11. The passage of the wire to and from the feed- ing-rollers is through the tubes V’ and V2. The ?rst is illustrated in an end, side, and longitudinal view, which may be seen at 1, 2, and 3, V”, Fig. 11, under the part of the machine in which it belongs. V"’ is illustrated in a side, end, and sectional \ iew under 4, 5, " and 6, 2, Fig. 7, where the dotted line in the base-plate 0 shows the place this tubular screw occupiesin the base-plate whenin the ma- chine. , The precise position of this essential part of the combination may be seen in the entire machine at V" under Fig. 2, where it has been calculated to conduct the wire di- rectly to the ori?ce of the ?ier—step R. On passing this ?stular screw the wire enters the ilier-step R, (illustrated at 1 R in the machine under Fig. 2, and at 1, 2, 3, and 4, Fig. 13, and also under 5, 6, 7, and 8, Fig. 13, upon an enlarged scale, where the particular form of the passage for the wire is indicated, and the plan of the step containing a small piece of wire represented on the end of an inverted ?ier under 6, Fig. 12, immediately below.) Here the manner in which the wire is made to pass through the step between the ribs av as, and the way the band is discharged from the ‘bobbin U upon the ribs, is shown. On exam- ining this diagram further, will be seen a dot- ted line upon the piece of wire, represented as crossing the step between the ribs above the end of the ?ier. The end of the gage M, em- ployed for the double purpose of keeping the ribs .70 w asunder, and the wire in its passage from an interference with the barrel of the ?ier or the ribs of the reed,wil1be found here, and further illustrated at M”, Fig. 12, where an edge and side view is represented, thelat- ter with one branch passing through the body of a ?ier in a position, as may be seen, tokeep the wire down. In the machine this gage is held in a proper position to perform its of?ce by the crane L. On passing the foot of the- ?ier the wire enters a channel, formed of hard metal, in the base-plate O, of sufficient width ' and depth to admit the wire to pass, as may be seen on reference to the base-plate O at 1, 4, and 5, Fig. 7, where this channel is repre- sented in the base-plate at 1 on aline with the ?iers and the orifice of the ?stular screw V. On the side of the base-plate a face, side, and end view of this channel 1 may be seen. It will be observed that in this representation of the base-plate and wire-channel that the channel is open upon the face of the plate, and that in this place there is no visible object to pre- vent the wire inits passage through this chan- ‘nel from coming out, and the more readily so’ « when the base-plate is reversed and stands in an opposite and its proper positionin the ma- chine, and the wire becomes crooked or bent down before it reaches this channel. To effect a direct and certain passage for the wire the sliding gages seen at- Z Z, Figs. 2 and 3 are employed, and constitute the ?fth move- ment in the machine. At 5, Fig. 7. uponthe base - plate, those gages are represented in proper form for a stationary machine, together with the-spring It 7.: inverted, which will illus- trate the manner of covering the channel 1 during the passage of the wire from the ?rst to the second set of ribs, and thereby prevent- its taking an improper direction. At 1 and 2, Fig. 15, a side and connected edge view of the sliding gages ll, together with the spring 7.‘, may be more" particularly seen, and the manner in which they are con- nected with the wedge and sweep, so as to act alternately in covering the channel 1 with the movement of the wire, is’ illustrated under 1 and 2, Fig. 16, where it will be seen that by the sweep h being operated upon by asmall screw or pin moving in the slotted end ofthe sweep attached in an eccentric position to the lower end of the main shaft a, the wedge 73, in connection with sweep h and spring k, (which passes through the. opening in the wedge. as seen at 7:, press_ing against the inclined sides,) will be moved in the revolution of the main shaft (6, and consequently the sliding gages, by the compression and expansion of said spring, must be operated upon, carried out to cover the passage of the dent, and drawn back as the ?iers descend, to admit of the dents falling. On further examination of the diagram under 5, Fig. 7, will be found the spring-conductors T, more fully represented at T‘-’ 6, Fig. 7. These conductors extend around the back ribs, and are composed each of two springs nearly meeting in front of the same, and are made to act and exert a slight pressure upon the wire, gently bearing upon the edge and keeping it on a direct line be- tween the second set of ribs, at ac, and thereby preventing the wire in this part of its pas- sage from interfering with the ribs. On pass- ing the spring-conductors T, the wire advances between the ribs or .70 to the inside of the box R,and stops against the metal, on a line with the outer edge of the second ?ier, where it lies in aposition to be cut from the supplying- piece by the descending movement of the ?ier. The cam Q71" and sweep h are so formed and placed as to maintain a reciprocating move- ment, and in their action to carry the sliding gages back, and open a free passage for the dent to fall when it is separated from the supplying- piece of wire by the cutting-edge of the de- scending ?ier; and I will also here remark that by the construction of the cam q q, the ?iers are kept down until they perform nearly two-thirds of their revolution, and that as they are raised to take their elevated position the arm at the lower end of the governor m, through the agency of the small spiral spring, operates upon the lever n in elevating the lower feeding-roller, which, coming in ?rm contact with the wire, again sends it into the’ machine, at which time the sliding gages ll G 50 are again extended by the action of the sweep I1, wedge '5, and spring 7;, forming a closed and secure passage for the wire through the channel 1 to the second ?ier~step, as before described. Having now shown the parts of which the movements of the machine consists, and their connection in gear, and the manner in which they are brought to act upon the reed, I will further illustrate the-mode of their adjust- ment and adaptation for the manufacture of different kinds of ?ne and coarse reeds. 6, Fig. 7, represents an adjustable base- plate, in which it will be observed there is a difference not only in the form of the plate, ‘ but in the size and distance of the ?iers. In this plate one set of ?iers are small, standing n_ear together, and the other set of ?iers are large, and placed at a greater distance from each other. One is intended for ?ne reeds, and the other coarse or heavy work. It will also be observed that the sliding gages Z Z are made double. connected by a long arm and thereby capable of being drawn out, with the movable ?ier, and extended to any requisite point of action, and that the spring-conduct- ors T are also carried along with the sliding gage ll, step R, and ?ier (Z. The screw and nut XV W3 are calculated to move the adjust- able ?ier, and to hold it in any/required point ?rm for action. 7, Fig. 7, represents the manner in which I con?ne the ?ier-step R in the base-plate 0, after the step has been adjusted. R’ exhibits a transverse sectionof a thin nut employed for the purpose of holding the ?ier—step ?xed in its adjusted position. R“ is a face view of the nut, which is not only employed in the adjustable ?ier, but is equally useful in holding the other steps, but more especially so in con?ning the upper step or collar of the ?ier seen at S, 1, 2, and 3, 5, Fig. 8, where the face of the nut is again represented, with an edge View above, upon the collar S, and still higher may be seen the nut and collar ?xed to the governor m. S‘ a11d 5 on the left immediately under the gov- ernor in represent a face and end view of the slide or box, which receives the collar S and flier intended for adjustment. It will be,per- ceived that this box is made somewhat wider on the under than on the upper side, and that in consequence, by the action of the nut upon the collar when in this block, and ?tted in its place upon the governor, the block may be drawn up ?rmly and ?xed permanently, to- gether with the collar, in any point required for the action of the adjustable ?ier in the governor; and this is not the only advantage derived from the employment of the nut here- in lastly described, for at any time when it becomes necessary to give more or less eleva- tion to the position of any ?ier, by ?rst run- ning the nut back, the collar S can be easily turned, and, ‘by its screw, either elevated or depressed, and then, by the act of the nut, again made perfectly secure for the action cf the ?ier. 4, Fig. 8, represents the top View of the gov- ernor. m, 7 7, shows the circle upon which two small communicating Wheels are made to move, and thereby connect the movement of the ?ier-wheels in any position they may be placed for action. 6 shows the position of a pin or rack screwed into the governor for giv-, ing motion to the same, which pin will be more plainly seeu.at6 in the governor m, Fig. 24, where the simple action of a lever, 72’, con- nected with the sweep lz, gives the ?iers their endwise movement in the direction of the dart. Here the cams Q Q are dispensed with, as well as the xvedgei and spring k, and the end of the sweep 11, or that of the lever a, near where they areconnected, made into awedge in such form as to act directly upon the sliding gages and carry them out and in, as may be neces- sary for covering the channel and effecting, as before described, the passage of the dent from the ?rst to the second set of ?iers. Under 2, Fig. 20, will be seen the lower end of the main shaft (4, exhibiting a ‘circular row of holesvdiverging from the center of the main shaft, and calculated for the reception of a screw or pin to operate in the slotted head of the sweep h, and thereby admit of an adjust-' ment in the movement of the sweep. and con- sequently of a greater or less extension in the movement of the governor and ?iers an ad- vantage of some importance in operating upon ?ne and coarse reeds. ‘ By the employment of the lever in much less power and_noise are necessary in effecting the movement of the machine than has been found unavoidable by the use of the cam q'q, and by converting the upper end of the lever n into a small segment of a circle. with teeth cor- responding to those on the rack or pin 6, and making the lower end of the lever and sweep h with teeth to correspond, the lever 72 may be made to act upon the governor with the least possible friction, with great ease, and almost without noise. I should also add that in the adjustable machine, especially when one side. is intended for strong or coarse and the other for ?ne or light reeds, I employ what I call a “conical” feeding-roller—that is, the roller on the light or ?ne side is somewhat smaller in diameter than that employed on the coarse or heavy side, bywhich means there are more ease and accuracy in feeding the wire into the ma- chine. For a more fulland particularillustration of some sectional and other views of parts of the machine not thoroughly described, with the movements as I have placed them for action upon the reed, reference may be made to the fol - lowing diagram—namely, under 1, 2, 3, -1-,21nrl 5, Fig. 7, will be found different views of the stationary base-plate. 1, 2, and 3, Fig. 8, represents the stationary governor; 1 and 2, Fig. 9, steps of the main shaft or; 1 2, Fig. 10, steps of the feeding-roll- ..._...).»- *;.'«.~Ja...uu‘— LO. WIRE-WORKING; 71 50 7 ers b b,- 1, 2, and 3, Fig. 11, conductors, brace- screws, tubes, and fulcrum E F G V 1); 1, 2, and 3, Fig. 12, ?iers on a small scale. 4, 5, and 6, Fig. 12. are enlarged viewsof the ?iers (Z, exhibiting the ribs xx, bobbins U, and band; 1, 2, 3, and 4., Fig. 13, side, end, face, and back view of the ?ier—step R upon a small scale; 6. 7, and 8, Fig. 13, the ?ier-steps upon an enlarged scale; 1 an(l 2, Fig. 15, sliding gages Z Z, in connection with the spring is; 1 and 2, Fig. 16, sweep h, wedge 17, and spring is, con- nected as represented for action; Fig. 17, graduating-screw in the female box K; 1, 2,and 3. Fig. 18, head and foot blocks 0 v, together with the jaws and thumb-screws 10 It‘; 1 and 2, Figs. 19, ground view of the machine with the communicator e and bridge Q; 1, Fig. 20, main shaft (1, with main cog in, windlass H, cam q q, bevel-wheel S, in connection with the feeding-rollers b b and the sweep 72,- Fig. 21, enlarged view of the bridge Q, with pinion 6; Fig. 22, ti11 door N, Fig. 23, wire rim 0. Having thus shown the parts of which the movements of the improved reed machine consists, and their connection in gear, and the manner in which they are made adjusta- ble to operate upon different kinds of reeds, it remains for me to show more particularly how the movement of each part takes place in their action upon the reed. And ?rst, it is necessary to state that the band exhibited on the bobbin U U is placed in the ?iers and the ribs 90 ac passed through the ?iers and bob- bins as they are represented in the machine under Fig. 2, where the band may be seen rep- _resented upon the ribs, and-the ribs in the ?iers fastenedby their ends to the head and foot blocks 10 ’LL‘, with a portion of the reed as it is made by the operation of the machine. On reference to diagrams under 4. 5, and 6, Fig. 12, the track of the band from the bobbin U to the ribs 90 9c of the reed may be traced. The rim of wire seen under Fig. 23 being properly placed so as to discharge the. wire into the machine, the loose end of the wire is then passed between the accelerating- rollers P P, moved by the band seen upon the graduator-pulley on theend of the driving- shaft A“, and from the accelerators the end of the wire is carried on in the direction ot' the darts, through the tube V, to the t'eeding- ' rollers b b. where the end of the wire is placed between the feeding-rollers bb ready t'or their action in sending it into the reed, the grad- uating-screw g, with the head and foot blocks 7; 17, fastened thereto, holding the ribs ac Jo on a line through the ?iers in the machine, being raised in the machine and suspended by the scent of-the ribs the required length to the reed. The lamps .2 being also lighted, and all parts of the machine immediately in con- tact with the banding of the reed being warm, the machine is ready for operation. The main shaft (4 is ?rst put in motion, as repre- sented by the dividing-shaft A“ and bevel- wheel A2, moved by any ordinary power. The cog ‘it upon the main sha_ft a. being in gear with the communicator c, and the upper pin- ion-wheel of the communicator C being also in gear with the upper communicator e. the tire-wheels cl (Z and screw-wheel f are made to revolve at the same time, and consequently the graduating-screw _r/, with the head and foot blocks 22 to on their ways in the frame, are made to descend with the ribs :23 m while the fliers revolve, and by their action pass the band from the bobbins to the ribs ot' the reed. \Vhile the ?iers and graduating-screw, with theband and ribs, are thus in motion, the bevel - wheel 8 upon the lower end of the main shaft a, grared into a coircspondiiig bevel-wheel upon the upper feeding-roller b, carries the upper feeding-roller round, which roller being connected .with and geared to the lower feed- ing-roller, b, by tooth-wheels t 2‘, both of the ‘feeding-rollers thus connected by corre- sponding motor-wheels t t, are made simul- taneously to revolve. At the same time the cam q q, acting upon t-he governor m by the pin 1-, moves the governor, together with the revolving ?iers, and also thelever 22., attached to the foot of the governor in by a small spiral spring. carrying thereby, at the same move- ment, the ?iers above the line on which the wire moves through the ori?ce in the ?ier- box R. and elevating the lower revolving feeding-roller. b, in such manner as to bring it into contact with the wire and to ?rmly press the wire between the steel face of the rollers, (designated at 1 2 3 4, Fig. 20,) and thereby carrying the wire into the machine. Conse- quently, by the simultaneous elevation of the ?iers cl (Z and the lower feeding-roller, b, a passage for t-he wire is opened through t-he ori?ce of the box R, and the wire is moved forward through the ori?ce on its way into the reed. Immediately preceding the movement of the wire the sliding gages Z Z, by the action of the sweep I2, are carried out and made to cover the channel 1, through which the wire moves. Thus the wire in a close channel is sent directly through to theispring-gages T, and onward to the end of the passage be- tween the ribs in the ?ier-box R, in which position the wire rests, until, by the second movement of the sweep It, the sliding gages Z Z are carried back and the channel 1 again opened so as to admit ofthe dropping of the dent under the cutting-edge ot' the descending ?ier, at which period in the revolution of the main shaft a the governor and ?iers, by the ac- tion of the cam q q, are carried down, when the wire is separated, and the dent under the band _ discharged from the revolving ?ier, ?rmly box K at a height suf?cient to give in the de- ‘ and accurately ?xed in the ribs of the reed. It will be perceived that at time the governor and ?iers descend the lever 7; also falls, and that consequently the lower. feeding-roller, b, drops so far as to leave the wire at rest, and as far as the feeding-rollers I) b are then con- cerned entirely free. This double movement in the feeding-roller b is essential both in a proper distribution of the reciprocating pow- . :,.,-,..=_n,.._.,:L._x, _ _. 1 ('3 50 ers of the machine and iii the preservation ot' the wire from injury, which otlierwise,diir- ing the time the ilicr stops the iiioveineiit oi’ the wire and blocks up its passage through the ori?ce in the l'llOl'~l)(,).\' 1:, while cutting and winding the dent, the action of the steel rollers would injure the polish oi-i the metal employed for the dent, it" they did not ot-li- erwise niore serioiisly damage so delicate a part of the reed-wire. At eiicli and every revolution of the inain shaft (6 there is one piece or dent cut froin the ring of wire on one or both sides of the iiiachine and ?xed in the reed. It is, perhaps, useless to say that at each revolution of the main sliafta the same move- ments take place, and the same operatioiis are repeated until the reed is coinpleted of suffi- cient length. _ VVhat has been stated applies to the for- mation of two reeds, and on exaininatioii oil the groundwork and different diagranis it} will be seen that two or more reeds may be I made upon the same principle by doubling l the parts. It will also appear evident that l l I l any number of these coiiibiiiations of ina- chines may be so placed as to receive an iin- pulse from the ?rst moving power, whether it be produced by in-an, liorse, water, steam, or any kind of power which can be conven- iently obtained in the place where these coiii- binations of machinery may be used, by which combination one machine may now be made to perform the operation ot' making all kind of reeds now in use. Consequently, a 1 combination or series of niacliincs. as was be- ‘ fore this discovery found necessary, for niak- ing the diiferent kind ot' reeds are now ren- dered useless, and not only their cost and the room they occupy saved, but a variety of other inconveniencies in the atljiistiiient of their individual parts, and adaptation lo make some particular kind of reeds,’eiitirely avoided. I shall now proceed to point out some varia— ! lions and minor combinations contemplated and employed in the machine, which are not particularly exhibited in the general plan. it will be perceived that the passage of the. wire which forms the dent in the reed is ef- fected by rollers operating together. The movement of the wire, however, may be as readily and well perl‘oriiied by the applica- ' tion of pliers, which may be carried back ward and forward, so as to elfect the iiiovenieut of the dent—wire, by the action of an eccentric, crank, or cam applied to the main shaft (L. I should also here observe that there are now in use a great variety ofreeds, which are called "f-ancy” or “dressers,” which are geiicrally made with omissions in the dents, aceordiiig to the work for which those reeds are designed. In making all such kinds of reeds by the ma- chine, it is only necessary for the feeding rollers or pliers, whichever are eniployeil. to have an alternate or iiitcriiiitteiit action upon the wire of which the reed is fernied. This alternate or iiiterinittcnt action may be ob- tained by the application of a lever, wedge, or cam-like inovenient brought to bear upon the press, roller, or plier through the agency of asniall pinion or wheel attached to the main shaft (1, or any other wheel or part con- venient to the pliers or feeding-rollers, and moving inithe same order of time with the main shalt or liiers of the machine. Many of the heavy or coarse kinds of reeds are pre- ferred. with two turns of the band to one dent. This ()l)(‘l'2lilOll can be pert'oi'nied by the nia- (‘hine in two |