Reissued Patent RE6
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RE60000-00-00RE000006.pdfBEST AVAILABLE COPY Ji?//0 Q?/z/1‘ ./6. 6’. /%;;9;z/3//’ Jim 4, /ow? UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ABRAHAM D. spoon, or TROY, Nn”w YORK. lMPii0VED STOVE FOR BURNING ANTHRACITE AND-OTHER COAL. Speci?cation forming part of Letters Patent dated March 15, 183-1; Reissue No. 6, dated December 4, 1338. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, .A.BRA}IA)I D. Spoon, late of the town of Coxsackie, county of Green, and State of N ew York, now of the city of Troy, New York, have invented certain Improve- ments iu Stoves for Burning Anthracite and other Coal ; and I do hereby declare that the fol- lowing is a full and exact description of the con- struction and operation of the said stove, ref- erence being had to the drawings which accom- pany and make a part of this speci?cation. The form in which I usually make this stove is that of asquare box or right prism, asshown in the drawing No. 2. The front has two openings—one for the ash-drawer, (seen at a,) the other for the introduction of fuel, (seen at I2.) The ash-drawer occupies about two—thirds of the width of the stove, the remaining width being occupied by two ?ues—-one on each side of the ash-drawer—to be presently described. The upper opening may correspond in width with the ash-drawer; or it may be of any other dimensions which may be preferred. Itslower edge is just above the upper part of the fur- nace or receptacle for fuel. This opening is closed by a door consisting in general of a metallic open-work frame ?lled in with lami- nated mica. As the whole of this door is above the fuel, its ignited surface is consequently ex- posed to full view. The top and bottom plates of this stove are made ?at, and the opening for the pipe by which the smoke is conducted oil‘ may be either in the top or back plates. \Vithin the body of the stove are two other plates, placed horizontally. The lower one, (representedat No. 1,) containing the circular grate, is placed immediately over the ash-. drawer, and as this plate is composed of two pieces and is designed for several purposes-— that is, to suspend the grate, to support the non-conducting lining of the furnace, to form part of the reverberating ?nes, (more fully to be described hereinafter), and to form, by the union of its two parts, an inclosed avenue from the outside crust of the stove to the rim, of the. grate, for the insertion of the shaker to ro-.- tate the grate, and for preventing the escape of dust into the‘apartment—I call it the “com- pound bed-plate,” to distinguish it from all other similar plates heretofore in use,,noné_ of which have accomplished more than one of these objects. This bed -{plate ?ts closely against the plates which form the exterior of the stove, except at the corners, where_ it is notched out, as at a a a a. It has also a circu- lar opening in the middle sui?ciently large to allow of the tilting of the grate B, which is. sustained over it. This grate is made capable of vibrating or rotating on its center to dis- charge the ashes deposited upon it, and ll. may also be tilted to discharge the coals. The mannerpin which these operations are elfected I will now describe. Thereis apart, d, which is sunk about an inch below the gen- eral level of the bed-plate, and into this the separate piece c ?ts closely, and is inserted after using the shaker, there being a notch or slot in one of the outer plates of the stove, generally the back plate, corresponding to this ‘depression, and in connection with it making an avenue from the outside of the stove to the grate, and this opening in. the out- side-plate is closed by a shutter, e, that ex- actly ?ts it, as above described. The grate is made ?at or nearlyjso. The bars may be from three-quarters of an inch to an inch in width, about a quarter of an inch in thickness, and the same distance apart. There are a num- ber of small protuberances or projecting points on the_uppersurface of the grates, as at f f f f, for the purpose of jostling or shaking the coal to discharge the. ashes when the grate is vi- brated or rotated; and in order to do this the shutter e is removed from the entran_cc of the avenue, and a_ piece of iron, which I call a “shaker” or “rotator,’ ’ is introduced between two projecting pieces at h, which proceed from thelower surface to the rim of the grate; or, instead of these, there may be an opening or mortise in therim of the grate to receive the end of the shaker, ‘Moving the ‘shaker both Ways in quick succession as far as the openingwill admit wil1'eifectually detach and;remove theashes. from the coal. -The grate is supported inpart byia bar which crosses the ‘circular opening nearly under its center.’ This: b_arIisshown separately at k,- and its.ends.a;re seenresting on the plate No. 1 atcjc. ' There isa notch ‘made in the bed plate at 17,, 3nd_;a., 1'e_cess_or sink at b? b’,‘-and a ,proje(:ting piec_e;}‘g‘, is received in this recess, andwhen, the gratefis turned upon its center- i / ' o the back plate. (0 pin, so as to bring the projecting piece g over’ the opening b, the grate will tilt in consequence of the bar being behind the center of gravity. This is against the front plate of the stove,- and when the ash - drawer is removed the shaker is to be inserted into a mortise or loop on the grate, by which means the piece g may be brought over the notch b, when the grate may be tilted and the coal discharged. There may be other modes adopted for suspending and rotating or tilting the grate; but as these would be mere variations of the same prin- ciple, and as I am not aware of any which shou-ld be preferred, it is not deemed neces- sary that I should point them out. The fur- nace of this stove I make circular, forming it by a lining of ?re-brick or other suitable non- couductor of heat. This lining, as before ob- served, rests upon the bed-plate, and it is to rise above it to the height of eight or nine inches only, whatever may be the diameter of the furnace or the size of the stove, the coal being found to burn better and the ashes being more readily discharged when the column of coal does not exceed this height. The second horizontal plate in the interior of the stove be- fore alluded to rests upon this lining, being notched out at the corners like the bed-plate, and having a circular opening in its middle of the same diameter with the furnace. This plate is designed merely to give a good and ?rm ?nish to the upper part of the furnace, and may, if preferred, be dispensed with. Be- sides these plates,I place another,which passes diagonally from the back to the top plate be- hind and over the ?re. This plate is seen at m m, No. 3, which represents a part of the in- terior of the stove, as seen when one of the side plates is removed, 72 being the front and The particular use of this diagonal plate will presently appear. A very important part of my improvement consists in what I denominate the “reverber- ating’ ’ or_ “ revolving” ?ues, which I will now describe. The ash-drawer, I have said, occu- pies about two-thirds of the width of the stove, and there is consequently’ a space between each of its sides and the side plates of the stove. These spaces, by means of partitions on each side of the ash-drawer reaching from the front to the back plate, are made to form a part of the said reverberating ?ues, the width of the ?nes being equal to that of the notches . a a in the bed-plate A, which rests upon these partitions, one of which is shown separately at u. The anterior and lower angles of those partitions are notched out,as shown v,to make an opening into the lower part of the rever- berating ?nes for clearing out any dust or ashes that may collect in them, and these notches are closed when the stove is in use by separate pieces that exactly ?t them. When the bed- plate has been put into its place, angular pieces adapted to the notches at its corners are placed thereon, resting at w w, and forming, with the outside plates of the stove, quadrangular ver- sesr /;\VAlLABLE COPY 6 tical ?nes at each corner._ By the removal of the side plate, N 0. 3 exhibits the location and operation of these ?ues. The front ?ue, p, ter- minates at some distance above the furnace, as at p’, but does not reach the top plate. The back ?ue, (1, extends through the diagonal plate m, and opens into the smoke-chamber 7', from which proceeds the smoke-pipe 3. It is now evident that the draft will be in the di- rection indicated by the arrows, and that the lower part of the stove will become heated by the passage of LL16 heated air from the fuel in contact with it, and what has hitherto been a desideratum—-the diffusion of heat from the lower part of a stove lined with non-conduct- ing material—-is fully attained, while it is also economized by its distribution from ?ues with- in the interior of the stove instead of from smoke-pipes exterior to it, as has heretofore been done. As there would be some incon- venience in carrying the draft through the reverberating ?ues during the time of ignit- ing the ?re, I make an opening in the diago- nal plate 722, No. 3, which I call the “direct” passage, through which the smoke may pass directly from the ?re, which opening is fur- nished with a valve or shutter, 73, which may be closed as soon as the ?re is properly light- ed. A handle for this purpose may pass out through one of the side plates, as at c, No. 2. The advantages obtained by this arrange- ment are a, great saving of expense in the construction and increase of durability of the stove, as well as economy of fuel and la- bor in the use of it, for as the fuel does not come in contact with the external plates, and the surface of this stove is large in propor- tion to other stoves intended to consume the same quantity of fuel, no part of its external surface is made so intensely hot as to become oxidated, warped, or cracked, while at the same time the heat communicated to the air of the apartment’ is milder and much more agreeable to the sensation, less liable to crack and warp furniture or char the ?oat- ing particles of combustible matter and cover the walls and furniture with a black dust, and, moreover, the ?re can be better adapted to the state of the weather, as coal will burn in a mass of only two or three inches ‘thick- ness. * In the foregoing description I have made known the manner in which I construct my stove, and in so doing have necessarily in- cluded many things of which I do not claim to be the inventor. I therefore now proceed to state speci?cally in what my improvements consist, and they are as follows: I claim as my invention and improvement—- 1. The combination of the several parts of what I have above denominated a “ com- pound” bed-plate, so constructed as to form an inclosed avenue from the outside crust of the stove to the rim of the grate, and to ac- complish the other objects stated in the de- scription. - 0 - 3 2. The combination of said compound bed- four interior angles of the stove, with the di- plate with a ?at circular grate formed as rect passage into the smoke~pipe, and with above described‘, and made to rotate and tilt the compound bed-plate and grate aforesaid. as above described, and for the use and pur- A. D. SPOOR. poses aforesaid. Witnesses: 3. The combination of the above-described F. ADANCOURT, internal reverberating ?ues occupying the‘ C. L. ADANCOURT. BEST AVAILABLE COPY