RE75 | 1845-08-09 | RE000075.pdf | J. ROUSE, .. Making. Hinges. - Reissued Aug. 9, 1845. NO. 75- b, QlbteJ PETERS, Phote Lithographer, Wasniogton, D. C. _ P6C€ yx UntTED Stares PatENT Orricr. AMES ROY & CO., OF TROY, NEW YORK, ASSIGNEES OF JONAS ROUSE, OF 29 SAME PLACE. ' IMPROVEMENT in machines For making BUTTS AND HiNGEsS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent dated May 17, 1836; Reissue No. 75, dated August 9, 1845. - wheel which turns the shaft, or of a wheel or pulley connected and revolving with it, so that by suspending or attaching it by a mov- able joint to a fixture of the frame provided for the purpose as its fulerum at such point To all whom it may concern: Be it known that Jonas RoUsE, of the city of Troy, in the county of Rensselaer and State of New York, did invent a new and | useful Machine for Making Butts and Hinges; and we do hereby declare that the following is | between the two ends as shall be selected a full and exact description thereof. f the same reciprocating motion will thereby be The improvement is to be applied to the | given to the end opposite the die, and by at- manufacturing of butts and hinges of mallea- | taching a follower, J, thereto, extending to- ble or ductile metal. The two plates which | ward the end of the die and so as to have it form the butt or hingeareto be prepared sepa- | move backward and forward in the direction rately, as in the ordinary method of making f of the length of the die, it may be made to hinges of the like description, each with pro-*} enter into it and remove the hinge-plate after jections from one edge, as tongues. correspond- | the eye is formed by pushing it out at the op- ing to the spaces between the tongues of the | posite end. 'The relative position of the cam other plate with and in which they are to | which gives the motion in respect to the move- match. These tongues turned or bent, one | ment of the other follower may be such as to flatwise, form what are called the '"eyes" of | cause the inward and outward motion of the the hinge, and when placed together, the eyes | two followers so far as to alternate with each of each plate between those of the other with other, so that when the first is being with- a wire or rivet through them, constitute the drawn from the die, and preparatory to its joint of the hinge. on. __| return with another hinge-plate before it, the The machine here to be described is for bend- | end follower will pass in and remove the plate | ing the tongues of the hinge-plates from the | which is finished. v straight and extended position they are in In the drawings, Figure 1 is a perspective when thus prepared and forming them into l view of the machine. ais the groove in the die; eyes. To do this a die is to be formed in a | b, the enlargement. d is a lever for removing block of steel or other suitable material to be | the hinge-plates when turned; f, the follower provided for the purpose. This is to have an | attached to the lever that enters the die to aperture or groove, as in Fig. 3, formed in one | remove the hinge-plate. Fig. 3 is a modifica- side, and reaching horizontally from end to | tion. of a die, end view. Fig. 2 is an end ele- end. This extends into the side of the block | vation of a die. Fig. 4 is a top plan of a pro- a distance equal to the width of the hinge- | file or end view of the hinge-plate after the plate, and terminates in a circular enlarge- | eye is formed. The whole of this opening is ment, b, above the groove, which is at a tan- | to be extended through the entire length of gent thereto. the block which constitutes the die, and the Fig. 2 is a modification of the die, which is eyes of the hinge are formed by placing the divided horizontally into two parts, the di- | plate with the tongues extended toward the vision commencing at or near the back part | circular termination b and forcing the tongues of the circular termination 5, and thence | end foremost against the circular termination through to the back. | In this the upper half i of the die, the effect of which will be that the can be removed when desired. In both the | tongues strike the circle at a tangent and the groove above named and the circular termi- | ends are forced round its surface, which for nation b, when viewed end wise will be the | this purpose should be smooth, till the tongues same as the outline. When the die, Fig. 3, | form the proper curve in their whole length, is used, a lever, d, extends on one side of the so as to bring the ends over to their own sur- frame from near the shaft to a point opposite I face, or to that of the plate to which they be- the end of the die. It may be so connected | long, and to form the eyes of the hinge. To with the machinery as to have alateral move- ment out and in given to the end next the shaft by means of a cam upon the side of the | effect this operation, a steel follower adapted to the edge of the hinge-plate should be pro- vided, and a reciprocating movement given to ® > 73 it sufficient in extent and power to force the tongues effectually into the curve, and to re- turn back far enough to allow the hinge-plate 'to be removed and another placed before the follower ready for a like operation. This may be done by fixing the die firmly upon a frame to be provided for the purpose, and causing a shaft with a cam or eccentric section to re- volve before it, and a pitman or shackle-bar connected therewith and extended to and con- nected with the follower by a flexible joint such as is ordinarily applied to operations of that kind will give the movement required, or such other means or process as are com- monly used for producing movements of like nature, as well as such methods for obtaining the necessary power. The follower may be supported and kept true in its direction by means of projections, as arms or wings, extending from it horizon- - tally, and connected, as by tongues and grooves or otherwise, with fixtures of the frame pro- vided for the purpose. Having thus fully set forth the improvements of the said Jonas RousE according to the best of our knowledge and belief, what we claim therein as his invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is- The method of turning or bending the tongues of hinge or butt plates and forming them into eyes as described by placing them on a flat surface of a die having a projection, b, therefrom, against which the tongues of the hinge-plates are forced by a follower, so as to bend them round into eyes, substantially in the manner and for the purpose above speci- fied. e JAMES ROY. JOHN KNOWER. BEN. KNOWER. ANDREW ROY. Witnesses: GEo. W. CURREXN, FRED. W. COLE. |