Pre 1920 Patentee Search
Patentee or inventor searches only return results from 1920 to date on the uspto's
advanced search screen.
Do this with or without the double quotes: "your_inventor_here".in. ex:
Even in the uspto's 1790 to present [entire database] the earliest Edison patent returned is from June 1920. The same search below will find 160 patents from 1876 to 1919. If you know a patent number you can look it up
here, just enter a patent number in the upper left pane and press the PN button.
On this site you can do a case insensitive search of references to pre 1920 patents.
It currently contains 357,078 unique patents (referenced by patents 1976 through 2019-12-31) which is about 27% of the utility patents issued before 1920. See
this page on where this data came from, including a Creative Commons Attribution acknowledgement.