Prints 54 - 421 | ||
registration number | registration date | ocr'ed text |
54 | 1897-10-12 | 54.-Title: "This Kimball Situation." W. W. Kimball Com- pany, Chicago, IU. Application filed August 19, 1897. Issue of October 12, 1897. Patents 427-No. 591,374 to No 591,800, Inclusive. |
64 | 1898-05-24 | 05.-Title: "The Continental (ioi.n Itosn." (For a Suit of Clothes.) Frccland-Ijoomix Company, Boston, Mass. Ap- plication filed March 14, 1898. |
65 | 1898-05-24 | 68.-Title: "Buffalo Lithia Water." Thomat) F. Gootlc. Boyd - ton, Va, Application filed April 20, 1898. |
66 | 1898-05-24 | 07.-Title: "Hammond Type Writer for All Nations and ToNonKs." The Hammond Typewriter Company. New York, N. Y. Application filed March 7, 1898. |
68 | 1898-05-31 | 0,503.-Title: "Thk Silent." (For a Device for Making Flush- ing-Tanks Noiseless.) Charles H. Shepherd, New York, N. Y. Application filed April 13, 1898. Print. |
71 | 1898-07-19 | 71.-Title: "Ziegler's Effervescent Soda Water Tablets." George Ziegler Company, Milwaukee, Wis. Application filed May 81, 1898. |
76 | 1898-08-30 | 76.-Title: "English Woolen Mills Company." (For Men's Wearing-Apparel, Suits, Overcoats, and the Like.) Edirard S. Rogers, Cleveland, Ohio. Application filed July 20, 1898. |
85 | 1898-11-22 | 6,720.-Title: "Asti-Gon." (For a Medicine.) Fred H. Gadsby, Eau Claire, Wis. Application filed September 12,1898. Print. |
86 | 1898-11-29 | 6.729. -Title: "VolunteerFlour." (ForFlour.) Stoddard,Gil- bert d} Co., New Haven, Conn. Application filed November S, 1898. Prints. |
87 | 1898-11-29 | 86. -Title: "Card Sayings." (For Playing-Cards.) The New York Consolidated Card Company, New York, N. Y. Appli- cation filed October 21, 1898. |
88 | 1898-11-29 | 87. -Title: "Game of Robber Kittens." (For a Game.I Mc- LoughUn Hrothers, New York, N. Y. Application filed Au- gust 9, 1898. |
89 | 1898-11-29 | 88. -Title: "Game of Ten Little Niggers." (ForaGame.t Mc- laughlin Brothers, New York, N. Y. Application filed Au- gust 9,1898. |
90 | 1898-11-29 | 89. -Title: "KentuckyTaylor." (ForWhisky.) Wright<f-Tay- lor, Louisville, Ky. Application filed September 26,1S88. |
91 | 1898-12-13 | 15,734.-Title: "The Game of Going to the Klondike." (For a Game.) McLoughlin Brothers, New York, N. Y. Applica- tion filed August 17, 1898. |
193 | 1900-01-02 | 193.-Title: "Standard Varnish Wores." (For Varnishes.) Standard Varnish Works, New York, N. Y. Application tiled December 0,1899. |
216 | 1900-04-03 | 7.400. -Title: "Practical Remedies." (For a Medicine.) Boer- icke <t Tafel, Philadelphia, Pa. Application filed March 12, 1900. |
217 | 1900-04-03 | 7.401. -Title: "Erberol." (For an Antiseptic Fluid.) Ludwig O. B. Erb, New York, N. Y. Application filed March 9,1900. Prints. |
220 | 1900-04-17 | 820.-Title: "Mitla." (For a Medicinal Extract.) Allen L. Car- penter, Kansas City, Mo. Application filed March 13, 1900. |
221 | 1900-04-17 | 221. -Title: "Ask to Hear Gram - o - phone." (For Gramo- phones.) National (Jram-o-phone Corporation, New York, N. Y. Application filed March 12,1900. |
240 | 1900-07-03 | 7,681.-Title: "Yale University Special Blend Whiskey." (For Whisky.) Laurence McConntck, Philadelphia, Pa. Application filed June 6, 1900. Prints. |
241 | 1900-07-03 | 240.-Title: "Slack Cooperage Stock." (For Cooperage Stock.) Tindle dt Jackson, Buffalo, N. Y. Application filed May 7, 1900. |
258 | 1900-09-04 | 258.-Title: "Colonial." (For Stomach- Hitters.) TheMcCart- Christy Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Application filed Au- gust 11, 1900. |
268 | 1900-10-16 | 268. -Title: "The Introduction." (For Clothing.) Schlots Bros. <f Co., Baltimore, Md. Application filed August 8, 1900. |
269 | 1900-10-16 | 269. -Title: "We Feed the World." (For Flour.) The Pills- bury-Washburn Flmtr Mills Company, Limited, Minneapo- lis, Minn. Application filed September 22, 1900. |
270 | 1900-10-16 | 270-Title: "Elixir Guaiacol Co." (For a Pharmaceutical Preparation.) William C. Alpers, Bayonno, N. J. Applicat- ion filed September 12, 1900. |
286 | 1901-01-01 | 288. -Title: " 'She Said Sozo Wood-Work' and it Did." (For a Furniture Polish and Cleaner A Sozo Supply Co.. Newark, N. J. Application tiled December 8, 1900. |
289 | 1901-01-08 | 290-Title: "Archer." (ForPlaids.) John A. Mitchell.Co- lumbus, Ga. Application filed November 28,1900. |
290 | 1901-01-08 | 291-Title: "German Eoo Flakes." (For Egg-Flakes.) Egg Flake Co., St. Paul, Minu. Application tiled Decembers, 1900. |
291 | 1901-01-08 | 292.-Title: " A. W. Roth's Rheumatic & Neuraloic Remedy." (For a Medicine.) Arthur William Roth, Sr., Detroit, Mich. Application filed December 8, 1900. |
293 | 1901-01-15 | 94 o e-3-i |
300 | 1901-02-12 | 300-Title: "FLUFFED RUGS." (For Rugs.) ANN ARBOR FLUFF Ruo Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Filed December 26,1900. |
301 | 1901-02-12 | 3Ql.-TMe: "RAMON'S BROWNIE CALENDAR." (ForMedi- cines. ) BROWN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Greeneville, Tenn. Filed January 10,1901. 94o a-7-1 |
302 | 1901-02-12 | 302-Title: "DR.PIERCE'S 2 SHEET ROUGH RIDER." (For a Medicine.) RAY V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. Filed January 10, 1901. |
303 | 1901-02-19 | 304.-Title: "SULTAR." (For a Cleaning Compound.) THE Sri.TAH COMPANY, INCORPORATED, New York, N. Y. Filed January 19,1901. 1575 |
305 | 1901-02-26 | 305,-Title: "THE ENSIGN.'' (For Publications, Etc.) ED- WARD C. McLAiu, Philadelphia, Pa. Filed December 28,1900. |
306 | 1901-02-26 | 306.-Title: " LUCCA OLIVE OIL." (ForOlive-Oil.) ZrccA* Co., New York, N. Y. Filed January £4,1901. |
307 | 1901-02-26 | 94 O 9-9-1 |
326 | 1901-04-23 | 8,336.-Title: "THE CHICAGO RIVAL." (ForCigars.) Rif- kin & Sherman, Chicago, 111. Filed March 11,1901. |
327 | 1901-04-23 | 326. -Title: -TURKISH TROPHIES." (For Cigarettes.) S. Anaroyros, New York, N. Y. Filed April S, 1901. |
328 | 1901-04-23 | 327. -Title: "TURKISH TROPHIES." (For Cigarettes.) S. A.1ARGYR03, New York, N. Y. Filed April 2,1901. |
329 | 1901-04-23 | 328. -Ti««.- "TURKISH TROPHIES." (For Cigarettes.) S. Anaroyros, New York, N. Y. Filed April 2,1901. |
330 | 1901-04-23 | 329. -Title: "TURKISH TROPHIES." (For Cigarettes.) S. .V»ahgyros, New York, N. Y. Filed April 2, 1901. |
331 | 1901-04-23 | 330. -Title: "TURKISH TROPHIES." (For Cigarettes.) S. Axaboyros, New York, N. Y. Filed April 2, 1901. |
332 | 1901-04-23 | 331. -Title: "LEFT-HAND BUFFALO PURE RYE." (For Whisky.) The McCart-C'hristy Co., Cleveland,Ohio. Filed March 27, 1901. |
333 | 1901-04-23 | 332. -Title: "ONE OF THE 57." (For a Fluid for Pickling.) H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Filed March 29, 1901. |
334 | 1901-04-23 | 333. -Title: "SULTAR." (For a Cleaning Compound.) The Sultar Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. Filed March 2,1901. |
335 | 1901-04-23 | 334. -Title: "A M S & CO." (For Sponges.) A. Moses, Sons & Co., New York, N. Y. Filed April 2, 1901. |
336 | 1901-04-30 | 336. -Title: "THE BUFFALO." (ForCigars.) S. Paley, Chi- cago, 111. Filed April 0, 1901. |
337 | 1901-04-30 | 337. -Title: "DR. HESS' HEALING POWDER." (Fora Heal- ing-Powder.) Gilbert Hess and Jesse L. Clark, Ashland, Ohio. Filed April 8, 1901. |
338 | 1901-04-30 | 95 o G-5-i |
345 | 1901-05-21 | 346 - Title: "JOHN DREW 5(|! CIGAR." (ForCigars.) Sam W. Hoke, New York, N. Y. Filed A pril 30, 1901. HI-Title: "KIRKMAN'S UORAX SOAP." (ForSoap.) Kirk- man & Son, Brooklyn, N. Y. Filed April 28, 1901. |
346 | 1901-05-21 | 95 o G-8-i |
347 | 1901-05-21 | 348- Title: "FOR THE LAND'S SAKE." (For Fertilizers.) The Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Filed April 25, 1901. |
348 | 1901-05-21 | 349- Title: "THE A. J. C. BAND." (For Tanks.) A. J. Cor- coran, New York, N. Y. Filed March 16, 1901. 1643 |
353 | 1901-06-04 | 353 - Title: "LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER." (ForCigars.) Frane P. Lewis, Peoria, 111. Filed May 18, 1901. | |
354 | 1901-06-11 | 354. -Title: "THE 'COLOSSAL' VESTSU1T." (ForClothing.) Leopold Morse & Co., Boston, Mass. Filed May 1(>, 1001. |
355 | 1901-06-11 | 366.-ZV<fe: "THE SIAMESE CURTAIN." (For Curtains.) Cohen Bros. & Co., New York, N. Y. Filed April 4,1001. |
356 | 1901-06-11 | 356.-Title: "NOAH'S ARK." (For Wall-Paper.) Lawrence i: Bullen, Limited, London, England. Filed May 11, 1001. |
357 | 1901-06-11 | 357- Title: "HORLICK'S MALTED MILK HOT." (For Malted Milk.) Horlick's Food Company, Racine, Wis. Filed May 16,1001. |
358 | 1901-06-11 | 358. - Title: "HORLICK'S MALTED MILK WITH EGG." (For Malted Milk.) Horlick's Food Company, Racine, Wis. Filed May 16,1001. |
359 | 1901-06-11 | 95 O 0-11-i Hi. -Title: "HORLICK'S MALTED MILK COLD." (For Malted Milk.) Horlick's Food Company, Racine, Wis. Filed May 16, 1001. |
360 | 1901-06-11 | 360,-Title: '"ONE OF THE 57' IIEINZ'S BAKED BEANS WITH TOMATO SAUCE." (For Baked Beans with Tomato- Sauce.) H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Filed May 21,1001. |
361 | 1901-06-11 | 361- Title: "'ONE OF THE 57' IIEINZ'S TOMATO SOUP." (For Tomato-Soup.) H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Filed May 21, 1901. 22'Ju- |
364 | 1901-07-02 | 384,-Title: "LA FRANCE SHOE." (For Shoes.) Williams, Clare & Co., Lynn, Mass. Filed June 8, 1901. |
365 | 1901-07-02 | 3B5.-7Yi(e: "CHANUT (1ANTERIE PARISIF.NNK." (For Ciloves.) J. M. Chanut & Co., New York, N. Y. Filed June 5,1901. |
366 | 1901-07-02 | 366.-7VH»v "THE SINGER SEAM." (For Sewing-Machines.) The SiNfiER Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y. Filed May 21,1901. |
367 | 1901-07-02 | 96 O G-1-i |
368 | 1901-07-02 | 367- Title: "BLOWIN HIS BAZOO." (For Harvesting Ma- chinery.) McCormicr Harvesting Machine Company, Chi- cago, 111. Filed June8,1901. |
369 | 1901-07-09 | 369.-Title: "SWEET-WHITNEY MUSIC-METHOD." (For Musical Merchandise.) Cora H. Sweet and L. Gertrude Whitney, Grand Rapids. Mich. Filed June (i, 1901. |
370 | 1901-07-09 | 96 o e-2-i M0.-Title: "THE PARIS SKIRT CO." (For Dress-Skirts.) The Paris Skirt Co., New York, N. Y. Filed June 17,1901. 423 |
378 | 1901-08-06 | 378. -Title: "ROYAL FASHIONS FALL 1901, WINTER 1902." (For Clothing.) The Royal Tailors, Chicago, 111. Filed June 25. 1901. |
379 | 1901-08-06 | 379. -Title: "PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER." (For Cloth- ing.) The Royal Tailors,Chicago, 111. Filed June 25.1901. |
380 | 1901-08-06 | 380. -Title: "PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER." (For Cloth- ing.) The Royal Tailors, Chicago. III. Filed June 25,1901. |
381 | 1901-08-06 | 381- Title: "PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER." (ForCloth- ing.) The Royal Tailors, Chicago, 111. Filed J line 25,1901. |
382 | 1901-08-06 | 382. -Title: "GINTY'S BEAN TABLETS." (For Baked Beans and Beau Tablets.) Edward C. Ginty. Danbury, Conn Filed July 11, 1901. |
383 | 1901-08-06 | 383. - Title: "THE WORLD'S ONLY DUSTLE8S." (For Brushes.) Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Filed July 13, 1901. |
384 | 1901-08-13 | 384.-Title: "FITZU." (For Shoes.) Seiter & Kappes, New York, N. Y. Filed July 23,1901. US-Title: "OLD CHARLOTTE." (For Whisky.) The Henry M. Rubel Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed June 28, 1901. |
385 | 1901-08-13 | 96 O 6-7-i |
386 | 1901-08-13 | 886 - Title: "I. W. HARPER BOURBON." (For Whisky.) Bernheim Bros., Louisville, Ky. Filed July 17, 1901. 1427 |
387 | 1901-08-27 | 387. -Title: "THE HERRICK SHOE." i For Shoes.) Seiter & Kappes, New York, N. Y. Filed July 25, 1901. |
388 | 1901-08-27 | 388. -Title: "RAFTER'S TEAS AND COFFEES ARE THE BEST." (For Tea and Coffee.) Wittkmann Bros., New York, N. Y. Filed August 5, 1001. |
389 | 1901-08-27 | 96 o 9- 9 - i |
398 | 1901-09-10 | 398.-TOte: "NIGHT'S COMFORT IS-LIGHT." (For Wels- faach Lamps.) Alfred Gratz, Philadelphia, Pa. Filed Au- gust 10,1901. |
399 | 1901-09-17 | 100,-Title: "THE ATHLETE." (For Men's Clothing.) Saks & Company, Washington, D. C. Filed August IS, 1901. 2407 |
401 | 1901-09-24 | 401- Title: "FACTORY TO POCKET." (For Watches and 403.-Title: "WOODLAND VIOLET SPECIALTIES." (For Jewelry.) Harriet Doll, New York, N. Y. Filed August 31,1901. |
402 | 1901-09-24 | 402.- Title: "FRENCH DOLL." (For Toys and Novelties.) French Novelty Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Filed August 27, 1901. |
403 | 1901-09-24 | 96 o a-13-1 Perfumery and Toilet Supplies.) George E. Tooker, New York, N. Y. Filed August 31, 1901. 2571 |
404 | 1901-10-01 | 404,-TiHe: "THE FORBIDDEN CITY SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS." i.For Playing-Cants.) Grimes-Stakskorth Sta- tionery Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Filed September li, 1901. i05.-Title: "SITTING BULL BACK NO. BOO CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS." (For Playing-Cards.) The United States Pi-ayino Card Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed Sep- tember ft. 1901. |
405 | 1901-10-01 | 97 o fl-1-I A08.-Title: "AUTOUIKE BICYCLE PLAYING CARDS." (For Playing-Cards.) The United States Pi-ayino Card Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed September ft, 1901. |
406 | 1901-10-01 | 407,-7V«c- "E. LEVINE'S MEASURING FACES." (1 Lkvine, Cambridge, Mass. RETOUCHING SCALE FOR 'orNegative- Retouching.) Eric Filed September 3, 1901. 185 |
408 | 1901-10-08 | 408- Title: "A WISE BEGINNER." Altbcd Oratz, Philadelphia, Pa. |
409 | 1901-10-15 | 412-raie: "THE WASHERWOMAN." (For Soap.) Kirk man & Son, Brooklyn, N. Y". Filed September 5,1901. 549 |
413 | 1901-10-29 | 413- Title: "PITTSBURG SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS." (For Playing-cards.) W. J. Gilmore & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Filed September 27, 1901. |
414 | 1901-10-29 | 414- Title: "OUR EDNA." (For Shoes.) L. Franc & Son, Toledo, Ohio. Filed October 4, 1901. |
415 | 1901-10-29 | 97 o a-5 i |
416 | 1901-11-05 | 417.-Title: "ISIS TABLOIDS." (For a Medicine.) A VERY B. DODGE, Manchester, N. H. Filed October 10,1901. 1169 |
418 | 1901-11-12 | 418.-Title: "GEORGE WASHINGTON BACK NO. 606 CON- GRESS PLAYING CARDS." (For Playing-Cards.) THE UNITED STATES PLAYING CARD COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed October 15, 1901. |
419 | 1901-11-12 | 419.-Title: "STANDARD MALT EXTRACT." (For Malt Ex- |
420 | 1901-11-12 | 97 o a - 7 i tract.) THE HENDERSON LITHOORAPHINO Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed October 18, 1901. |
421 | 1901-11-19 | 97 o e-8-i |
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