
Lables 465 - 564
registration numberregistration dateocr'ed text
4651876-01-04Smith Co., Allen, Waltham, Mass. "Edmund's Cough Balsam"
4661876-01-04Barbour, L. D., Philadelphia, Pa. "Barbour's Russian Remedy"
4671876-01-04Clark, W. W., Hot Springs, Ark. "Poor Richard Thompson's Magic Eye-Water"
4681876-01-04Emmert Proprietary Company, Chicago, Ill. "Uncle Sam's Harness Oil"
4691876-01-04Levi & Berg, Philadelphia, Pa. "Franco-American Blacking"
4701876-01-04Levi 4 Berg, Philadelphia, Pa. "Franco-American Blacking-Levi & Berg"
4711876-01-04Mussehl, L, Newark, N.J. "Oriental Fumigating-Paper"
4721876-01-04Russell, E. Walton, Baltimore, Md. "Superior Bouquet Eau de Cologne"
4731876-01-04Steele, James G., San Francisco, Cal. "James G. Steele & Co., Perfumer-Sachet"
4741876-01-04Steele, James G., San Francisco, Cal. "James G. Steele & Co., Perfumers-Triple Extract"
4751876-01-04Turnor, James, New York, N. Y. "Turner's Flavoring Sirup Dessert Sauce"
4761876-01-04Werle, Jacob, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Mrs. F. Werle's Life Preserver and Blood Purifier"
4771876-01-11Rolker, Oscar, New York, N. Y. "Oscar Rolker's Ultramarine Lanndry Blue"
4781876-01-11Stillman, Andrew L., Petersburgh, N. Y. "Stillman's Elixir of Life"
4791876-01-11Weaver, John A., Easton, Pa. "Doctor Parker's Whooping Cough Syrup"
4801876-01-11Vogaler & Co., A., Baltimore, Md. "Warning- Dr. Aug Konig's Familien Medicinen"
4811876-01-11Vogeler & Co., A., Baltimore, Md. "The Standard German Household Remedies"
4821876-01-11McGraw, Morris, New Orleans, La. "Pure Washing Blue"
4831876-01-11Hackman, William F.,Pittaburgh, T'a. "Rising Sun Baking Powder"
4841876-01-11Potter, John E., Providence, R.I. "Potter's Excelsior Dentifrico"
4851876-01-11Merchants' Tobacco Company, Boston, Mass. "Hotspur Tobaoco, Manufactured by the Merchants' Tobacco Co., Boston, Mass."
4861876-01-11Wartman & Son, Michael, Philadelphia, Pa. "Michael Wartman & Son's Navy Smoking Tobacco"
4871876-01-11Wartman & Son, Michael, Philadelphia, Pa. "Michael Wartman & Son's New Brand Fine Cut Shorts"
4881876-01-11Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Crystalline Burning Oil"
4891876-01-11Wartman & Son, Michael, Philadelphia, Pa. "Miners' Friend Smoking Tobacco"
4901876-01-11Melzer, A., Evansville, Ind. "A. Melser & Co. All Right Soap"
4911876-01-18Boyd & Co., S. G.. Glen's Falls, N. Y. "Benedict's Unrivaled Plasters"
4921876-01-18De Grath, Charles, New York, N. Y. "Oleo Electrico, Rel Da Dor, (King of Pain")
4931876-01-18Hale, Alonza, Enreka, Ill. "A. Hale's Receipt for Cleaning and Bleaching Clothes"
4941876-01-18McDonald, Dudley S., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Chicago Caramels"
4951876-01-18Talcott, James C, New York, N. Y. "Talcott's Cure' for Scratches"
4961876-01-18Tetlow, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. "Palermo's Milk White"
4971876-01-18Webster, Elizabeth L., Boston, Mass. "Mrs. E. L. Webster's Sylvan Balsam"
4981876-01-25Melshelmer, Edmund L., Davidsburgh. Pa. "Dr. Frederick E. Melshelmer's Children's Drops"
4991876-01-25Pearson, Henry E., Newburgh Mass. "Dr. Ricker's Gold Eagle Balsam"
5001876-01-25Relief Manufacturing Company, New York, N. Y. "Pyroline, an external remedy for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism, &c"
5011876-01-25Toplia, Robert I., Yonkers, N. Y. "Dr. James Orange Tonic, or the True Elixir of Life"
5021876-02-01Am Ende, Charles G., Hoboken, N. J. "Liquor Boracis comp"
5031876-02-01Bitter, Harry, Philadelphia, Pa "Boot and Shoe Waterproof Sole Protector"
5041876-02-01Coles, A. D., Brooklyn. N. Y. "A. D. Coles' Fever and Ague Annihilator and Blood Purifier"
5051876-02-01Condie, James, New York, N. Y. "Condie's Aperient Elixir"
5061876-02-01Davis, Thomas M., Cambridge, Mass. "Davis' Charcoal and Orris Tooth Soap"
5071876-02-01Hardy, Cyrus H., Bingham, Mass. "Kitchen and Hand Mineral Soap"
5081876-02-01Moser, John H., Norristown, Pa. "Moser's Improved French Water-Proof Gloss Polish"
5091876-02-01Proscott & Co., Charles T., Brooklyn, N. Y. "C. T. Prescott & Co., American Laundry Soap"
5101876-02-01Russell, Morgan & Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. "Stock Label-Fine Cut Chewing"
5111876-02-01Russell, Morgan & Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. "Slock Label-Fine Cut"
5121876-02-01Salamonson, Leopold, Cleveland, Ohio. "Dr. Albert Conradi's Augsburger Tropfen"
5131876-02-08Clark, Mrs. E. B., La Crosse, Wis. "Mrs. E. B. Clark's New Method for cutting every style of Ladies', Gents', Girls', and Boys' Clothing"
5141876-02-08Fuguet & Sons, S., Philadelphia, Pa. "Pride of West"
5151876-02-08Fuguet & Sons, S., Philadelphia, Pa. "Katydid"
5161876-02-08Gater, Charles M., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The Moose Cigar, Manufactured from Selected Vuelta Abajo Tobacco"
5171876-02-08Garnean & Co., Joseph, Saint Louis, Mo "Jos. Garnean &. Co.'s Crackers"
5181876-02-08Garnean & Co., Joseph, Saint Louis, Mo "Joe. Garnean & Co.'s 4X Crackers"
5191876-02-08Garnean & Co., Joseph, Saint Louis, Mo "Joe. Garnean & Co.'s 4X Crackers"
5201876-02-08Garnean & Co., Joseph, Saint Louis, Mo "C. Bright's 3X Crackers"
5211876-02-08Hanko, Charles. Wheeling, W. Va. "Standard Brand Cigars"
5221876-02-08Johnson & Wightman. Brooklyn, N. Y. "Johnson's Emollient"
5231876-02-08Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Neat Spindle and Engine Oil"
5241876-02-08Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Excelsior Engine and Cylinder Oil"
5251876-02-08Klein, William H., Saint Louis, Mo. "Centennial. Manufactured from the Finest Havana Tobacco'
5261876-02-08Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Anti-Corrosive Engine and Spindle Oil"
5271876-02-08Lindsay, John B., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Lindsay's Whooping-Cough Compound"
5281876-02-08Peck & Co., George S., Westfield, Mass. "The Centennial Whip. Warranted Whale-Bone"
5291876-02-08Reed, J. H., Lexington, Ky. "Old Lexington Club Hand-Made Sour-Mash Whiskey"
5301876-02-08Simpson & Sons, William, Philadelphia, Pa. "Steel Gray Fast Black"
5311876-02-08Ward, George M., Salem, N. J. "American Chow-Chow"
5321876-02-08Wells & Elliott, New York. N. Y. "Quirk's Irish Tea"
5331876-02-15Iliscox &. Co., New York, N. Y. "Parker's Hair Balsam
5341876-02-15Iliscox &. Co., New York, N. Y. "Parker's Ginger Tonic"
5351876-02-15Klaiss, F. C, Progress, Pa. "The Great East India Remedy"
5361876-02-15Pinkham, Lydia E., Lynn, Mass. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound"
5371876-02-15Scovil, D. and H., Higganum, Conn. "D. & H. & Scovil's Improved Planter's Hoe"
5381876-02-15Smith Brothers, Boston, Mass. "Cosmetique Grande a la Turc"
5391876-02-15Solomonson, Leopold, Cleveland, Ohio. "Dr. Albert Conradi's Augsburger Brust-Thee"
5401876-02-15Wilkins, Jason, Clinton, Iowa. "Wilkins' Compound Extract of Eucalyptus"
5411876-02-15Bernheiraer, Adolph, New York,N. Y. "Blue Cross Wigan"
5421876-02-15Fleming, Mary C, Cambridge, Mass. "Fleming's Hair Tonic"
5431876-02-15Harrison Brothers & Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. "Harrison Brothers and Co.'s Town and Country"
5441876-02-15Howarth & Ballard, Utica, N.Y. "Hooper's Headache Lozenges"
5451876-02-15Russell, William B., Saint Louis, Mo. "Dr. Russell's Golden Bitters"
5461876-02-15Tetlow & Bro., Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. "Tetlow's Yasmyn Bouquet Soap"
5471876-02-15Townsend, E. F., Providence, R. I. "Directions for Inhaling Dr. Towusend's Oxygenated Air"
5481876-02-15Belt & Sons, Trueman, Baltimore, Md. "Belt's Stomach and Cocktail Bitters"
5491876-02-15Turnor, James, New York, N. Y. "Turner's Dessert Sauce"
5501876-02-29Alton, John H., Boston, Mass. "Alton's Excelsior Troches"
5511876-02-29Bow, Wallace E., Fowlerville, N. Y. "W. E. Bow's Star Liniment"
5521876-02-29Boericke & Tafel, New York, N. Y. "Boericke & Tafel's Concentrated Extract of Hamamelis"
5531876-02-29Gale, William, Chicago, Ill. "Dr. Gale's Zoagria or Fruit Tonic"
5541876-02-29Gernhardt, Francis E., Saint Louis, Mo. "Corduroy Havana"
5551876-02-29Holtin, H. C, Hoboken, N.J. "An Old Sailor's Cough Remedy"
5561876-02-29Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Alaska Sperm-Oil"
5571876-02-29Kellogg, Edward H., New York, N. Y. "Transparent Engine and Spindle Oil"
5581876-02-29Kendall, R. J., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. "Kendall's Spavin Cure"
5591876-02-29Lyon Manufacturing Company, New York, N. Y. "Lady Demarest's Liquid Polish"
5601876-02-29Megow, Herman, Princeton, Wis. "Megow's Hair Restorative"
5611876-02-29Munckton & Co., New York, N. Y. "Geranium Liquid Glycerine Soap"
5621876-02-29Munckton & Co., New York, N. Y. "Dr. Munckton's Pure California Wine Bitters"
5631876-02-29Riddle & Son, H.S., Chicago, Ill "St. Valentines"
5641876-02-29Schmerler, William, Racine, Wis. "Phil Sheridan Cigar"
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