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Trademark registration number: 1165025
Serial Number: 73216575
Registration date: 1981-08-11 online gazette
1 assignment
It's listed as a prior registration in these registration certificates
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Int. Cl.: 42 Prior U.S. Cl.: 100 Reg. No. 1,165,025 United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Aug. 11. 1931 SERVICE MARK Principal Register Porlil!o's Hot Dogs. lnc. (Delaware corporation) I09 Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, Ill. 60539 For: RESTAURANTSERVICES. in CLASS 42 (U.S. Cl. l00). First use Aug. I970; in commerce Aug. 1970. Applicant disclaims the words “Hot Dogs" apart from the mark. Ser. No. 2l6.575, ?led May 2!, I979. DAVID SOROKA. Primary Examiner Int. CL: 42 Prior U.S. CL: 100 ' Reg. No. 1,165,025 United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Aug. 11, 1931 SERVICE MARK Principal Register Porti1lo’s Hot Dogs, Inc. (Delaware corporation) For: RESTAURANT SERVICES, in CLASS 42 109 Boughton Rd. (U.S. C1. 100). Bolingbrook, 111. 60539 First use Aug. 1970; in commerce Aug. 1970. Applicant disclaims the words “Hot Dogs” apart from the mark. Ser. No. 216,575, ?led May 21, 1979. DAVID SOROKA, Primary Examiner

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