USPC Class Details

Description: 411 expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener / 411 expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener/(190) having structure to restrict rotation of threaded, mating pieces (e.g., nut lock) (204) structure is coaxial, distinct member (e.g., washer, key, or nut portion) that restricts nut piece (246) by thread-gripping locking element (250) wire structure (251) helically coiled wire

Hierarchy/Derived subclasses

411 / 190-> 204-> 246-> 250-> 251-> 252

uspto searches

Patent Apps in 411/251

Granted Patents in 411/251

Use the links above or do an advanced search in ppubs for:
(411/251.ccls. or 411/252.ccls.)

This will show what classes derive from the input. Ex: entering 43/42.24 shows the derived classes and the search that can be used to find patents or patent applications in those subclasses.
