USPC Class Details

Description: 411 expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener / 411 expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener/(190) having structure to restrict rotation of threaded, mating pieces (e.g., nut lock) (259) comprising a thread lock

Hierarchy/Derived subclasses

411 / 190-> 259-> 260-> 261
  -> 262
  -> 263
  -> 264
  -> 265-> 266-> 267
    -> 268-> 269
    -> 270
  -> 271
  -> 272-> 273
  -> 274-> 275
  -> 276-> 277-> 278-> 279
    -> 280
    -> 281-> 282
     -> 283-> 284
   -> 285-> 286
    -> 287
    -> 288-> 289
    -> 290-> 291
  -> 292-> 293
  -> 294-> 295
  -> 296-> 297
   -> 298
   -> 299
  -> 300
  -> 301-> 302-> 303
    -> 304
  -> 305-> 306
  -> 307
  -> 308-> 309-> 310-> 311
  -> 312

uspto searches

Patent Apps in 411/259

Granted Patents in 411/259

Use the links above or do an advanced search in ppubs for:
(411/259.ccls. or 411/260.ccls. or 411/261.ccls. or 411/262.ccls. or 411/263.ccls. or 411/264.ccls. or 411/265.ccls. or 411/266.ccls. or 411/267.ccls. or 411/268.ccls. or 411/269.ccls. or 411/270.ccls. or 411/271.ccls. or 411/272.ccls. or 411/273.ccls. or 411/274.ccls. or 411/275.ccls. or 411/276.ccls. or 411/277.ccls. or 411/278.ccls. or 411/279.ccls. or 411/280.ccls. or 411/281.ccls. or 411/282.ccls. or 411/283.ccls. or 411/284.ccls. or 411/285.ccls. or 411/286.ccls. or 411/287.ccls. or 411/288.ccls. or 411/289.ccls. or 411/290.ccls. or 411/291.ccls. or 411/292.ccls. or 411/293.ccls. or 411/294.ccls. or 411/295.ccls. or 411/296.ccls. or 411/297.ccls. or 411/298.ccls. or 411/299.ccls. or 411/300.ccls. or 411/301.ccls. or 411/302.ccls. or 411/303.ccls. or 411/304.ccls. or 411/305.ccls. or 411/306.ccls. or 411/307.ccls. or 411/308.ccls. or 411/309.ccls. or 411/310.ccls. or 411/311.ccls. or 411/312.ccls.)

At about 35 search terms the uspto will give you this error "Too many search terms" The 35th term is bold.

This will show what classes derive from the input. Ex: entering 43/42.24 shows the derived classes and the search that can be used to find patents or patent applications in those subclasses.
