USPC Class Details

Description: 516 colloid systems and wetting agents; subcombinations thereof; processes of / 516 colloid systems and wetting agents; subcombinations thereof; processes of/(113) compositions containing an agent for breaking (resolving) or inhibiting colloid systems; processes of breaking (resolving) or inhibiting colloid systems (e.g., gel breaking or inhibiting, coagulating, flocculating); processes of preparing the compositions (135) continuous liquid phase colloid system and discontinuous liquid phase (e.g., breaking an emulsion) (139) the agent contains material which is different from the primary components of both liquid phases of the emulsion colloid system (i.e., more than only diluting) (141) aqueous-petroleum, petroleum-aqueous, aqueous-hydrocarbon, or hydrocarbon-aqueous emulsion systems (143) the agent contains organic compound (181) the compound contains oxygen (e.g., cresylic acid)

Hierarchy/Derived subclasses

516 / 113-> resolving -> 135-> 139-> 141-> 143-> 181-> 182
        -> 183-> 184
        -> 185-> glyceride-> 186-> 187-> 188
          -> 189
        -> 190
        -> 191-> 192
         -> 193

uspto searches

Patent Apps in 516/181

Granted Patents in 516/181

Use the links above or do an advanced search in ppubs for:
(516/181.ccls. or 516/182.ccls. or 516/183.ccls. or 516/184.ccls. or 516/185.ccls. or 516/glyceride.ccls. or 516/186.ccls. or 516/187.ccls. or 516/188.ccls. or 516/189.ccls. or 516/190.ccls. or 516/191.ccls. or 516/192.ccls. or 516/193.ccls.)

This will show what classes derive from the input. Ex: entering 43/42.24 shows the derived classes and the search that can be used to find patents or patent applications in those subclasses.
