USPC Class Details

Description: 525 synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series / 525 synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series/() synthetic resins (class 520, subclass 1) (50) mixing of two or more solid polymers; mixing of solid polymer or sicp with sicp or spfi; mixing of sicp with an ethylenic agent; mixing of solid polymer with a chemical treating or ethylenic agent; or processes of forming or reacting; or the resultant product of any of the above operations (55) at least one solid polymer derived from ethylenic reactants only (88) mixing of solid block or block-type copolymer with other solid polymer; mixing of said polymer mixture with a chemical treating agent; mixing of a block or block-type copolymer with sicp or with spfi; or processes of forming or reacting; or the resultant product of any of the above operations (92r) mixture contains solid polymer derived from at least one saturated reactant, sicp, or spfi

Hierarchy/Derived subclasses

525 / 50-> 55-> 88-> 92r-> 92a
    -> 92b
    -> 92c
    -> 92d
    -> 92e
    -> 92f
    -> 92g
    -> 92h
    -> 92j
    -> 92k
    -> 92l
    -> 92m

uspto searches

Patent Apps in 525/92r

Granted Patents in 525/92r

Use the links above or do an advanced search in ppubs for:
(525/92r.ccls. or 525/92a.ccls. or 525/92b.ccls. or 525/92c.ccls. or 525/92d.ccls. or 525/92e.ccls. or 525/92f.ccls. or 525/92g.ccls. or 525/92h.ccls. or 525/92j.ccls. or 525/92k.ccls. or 525/92l.ccls. or 525/92m.ccls.)

This will show what classes derive from the input. Ex: entering 43/42.24 shows the derived classes and the search that can be used to find patents or patent applications in those subclasses.
